大连证监局发布风险提示Climbing to $52,000, will Bitcoin-related stocks become the "new aristocracy" in the Hong Kong stock market?ZX Inc: Surging over 170% in 7 trading days, is this "crazy roller coaster" really not crazy?Earnings Report Preview | Walmart's Q4 sales are expected to grow again, planning to acquire Vizio and increase investment in digital advertising.XPeng has sounded the horn for a counterattack.With the implementation of education and training supervision, is New Oriental EDU & Tech making a comeback as the king?Hong Kong Stock Market Update: ZX INC experienced a sharp decline in the afternoon, plunging by as much as 36% and exhibiting a daily volatility of over 50%.节后 LPR 的 “降” 心独具Jim Keller 批评 CUDA:是沼泽,不是护城河On the eve of the earnings report, NVIDIA "dangled another carrot."Bernstein:现货 ETF 有望 5 月获批 以太坊将成下一个机构 “宠儿”5 年期以上 LPR 现历史最大降幅 更多城市首套房贷利率将进入 “3 时代”24 年价格战如此激烈,油车还扛得住吗?Finally, the US stock market has fallen. Will NVIDIA's earnings report next week be a turning point?春节不放假,除夕不休息!银行冲刺开门红 “拼到最后一刻”An issue with Arm: A PE ratio of 107 times! The major shareholder SoftBank, holding 90% of the shares, will be unlocked in March.Bitcoin ETF sets a record inflow of $2.4 billion, the market's enthusiasm for digital gold is on the rise.理解市场 | 港股汽车股为何集体走低?美国 “信用卡发卡行老大收购老二”,坏账飙升之际抱团取暖?Bitcoin stabilizes above $50,000! Any market trends ahead?单次最大降幅!中国 LPR“降息” 意味着什么?The "Magnificent 7" is considered the world's second largest stock market in terms of scale! By 2024, they may still hold the "C position" in the US stock market.恒指、港股通下月调整!影响哪些股票?小米汽车定不下价,问题在哪儿?Breakfast | Tesla claims that Tesla's 10-fold production capacity is not impossible, XPeng will invest $500 million in AI.First Capital's acquisition of Discover Financial may be the world's largest M&A deal of the year, and it could come as early as this week.US stock market closed, pan-European stock indices hit a two-year high again, the rising trend in Germany and France paused, while crude oil hit a three-month high consecutively.Wooden Sister: Why did I sell NVIDIA this year?币圈迎来好消息!日本拟允许投资基金持有加密货币英国电商 Currys 盘中大涨 38% 京东据报道正评估潜在收购During the Spring Festival, the battle between "Ice and Fire": Enlight Media, CHINA LIT may emerge as the "big winners".Bank of America: Are the two major positives about to disappear, and is the rise in European stocks just a "flash in the pan"?以史为鉴:比特币未来几个月或创新高With Tencent and JD as major shareholders, the B2B platform for used cars, Auto Street, is making its way to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.Rating Quick Look | Wall Street calls out NVIDIA at $1200! Target price for BABA-SWR, Tesla rating downgradedKeep on the bullish trend! BlackRock: Japanese stocks will be the big winners of the Bank of Japan's interest rate hike.In the U.S. stock options market, transactions for Tesla, NVIDIA, and Super Micro Computer have surged! Are put options back in the market again?Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-week Highs and Lows Statistics | February 19th7.98 万!比亚迪又掀桌子,插混要比油车便宜了?巴菲特小幅减持苹果、大举加仓能源股,意味着什么?Morgan Stanley's bearish analyst Wilson: Once this indicator hits zero, Biden's fiscal stimulus will come to an end.交易提示:因 “华盛顿诞辰纪念日” 2 月 19 日美股休市一天比特币飙升重返 5 万美元 夏季前有望突破 6 万大关!被严重高估!这一危险信号正不断闪烁 或预示美股至少暴跌 20%The Bitcoin halving is approaching, whose stock price will decline?The European Union has issued its first antitrust fine against Apple, totaling over $500 million!MEDIA-Chinese car rental firm eHi is said to weigh $300mln US IPO- Bloomberg News