AI pharmaceutical company endorsed by Huang Renxun, English Silicon Intelligence, updates prospectus | Jianzhi ResearchWho is at the neck of NVIDIA?商务部:中方起诉是正当之举 美方严重扰乱全球新能源汽车产业链和供应链HBM production increase! Samsung expects this year's production capacity to be 2.9 times that of last yearNio still needs to break throughSun Hongbin held onto the support level港股今日为何大涨?市场传言 “中国版 QE” 即将开启!Real estate agency giant also joins the land grabDomestic consumption rebounds, China International Travel Service Duty Free (CITS) saw a 24% year-on-year increase in revenue last year, planning to distribute dividends of 3.4 billion yuan | Financial Report InsightsDirect hit on the performance report meeting of China Merchants Bank: Once the dividend payout ratio is increased, there are no plans to lower it againCICC: Who "made a mistake" as stocks and bonds rise together?Bank of Communications Annual Report Released: Dividend payout ratio has exceeded 30% for 12 consecutive years, net profit growth, and non-performing loan ratio decreasedResearch institution: Chinese-made electric vehicles are expected to reach a market share of 25% in Europe this yearTrillion-dollar "Number One Broker", urgent statement! Just supervised by the exchange last week! Net profit of 19.7 billion yuan last year与华尔街巨头唱反调:期权数据显示美股的下行风险有限英伟达 Blackwell GPU 究竟牛在哪?现场对话技术高管股票:未来 10 年股息前景黯淡?理想汽车 Mind GPT 正式通过国家备案,训练数据规模达 3 万亿 TokenA new king of large models is born! Claude 3 surpasses GPT4 for the first time速卖通 AliExpress 拿下 2024 欧洲杯官方赞助商Hong Kong Stock Market Update | Chip stocks collectively rise in the morning session, with SMIC up more than 3%. China and the Netherlands exchange in-depth views on issues such as lithography machines exported to ChinaXiaomi's IPO conference, focusing on pricing, order volume, and analyst opinionsRaising over $240 million in a week, BlackRock's tokenized fund is "really fragrant"港股回升背后的强大动力是什么?港股美团拉升涨超 5%,穆迪将美团信用展望上调至 “正面”AI 新锐 Cohere 接近完成融资,估值或达 50 亿美元西门子辟谣彻底撤离中国:未来仍将继续坚定在中国发展New Stock | Fugle China once surged over 120%!Financial Report 2024 | Once again caught in the dilemma of increasing revenue without increasing profit, Mengniu changes leadership to catch up with YiliBe careful! Short sellers are flocking into cryptocurrency stocks, and a short squeeze situation is imminentIs it a good time to buy mining stocks? Morgan Stanley believes Riot Platforms is expected to rise by 20% in the next 12 monthsCurrently, the favorite stocks of American retail investors: Trump and RedditAs share increases, profits decrease, the three major lithium battery players can't withstand the price war anymore | Jianzhi Research26.14 万元!这就是小米汽车的价格?向鲍威尔挥动鹰派 “大锤”!美联储沃勒:没必要着急降息Crypto market hit again: US judge agrees SEC to continue suing CoinbaseDJT continued to soar on the second day, with a "ridiculous" valuation, Trump "never been so rich"Breakfast | Wall Street giants unanimously warn of the risk of a US stock market downturn, Reddit targeted by short-selling institutions "hunted down"Nvidia’s Stock Reaches Crossroads At Key Fibonacci Price LevelJP Morgan remains bearish: US stocks are too crowded, beware of flash crash risksKey Turning Point for Coinbase Lawsuit by the U.S. SEC: Cryptocurrency Market at a Disadvantage, Bitcoin SlidesTax season in the United States, individual investors are tight on funds! They collectively flock to high-leverage ETFsTop 10 US Stock Gainers (3.27)Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>100M) (3.27)Top 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.27)