Rating Quick Look | Tencent's performance is highly regarded ahead of time! Kuaishou "Buy", Roblox faces "price cuts"Microsoft faces new EU charges! This time it's because of TeamsGross profit margin to increase by 27%? Several key questions about the hot "AI power supply stock"Will Petrobras (PBR) Report Q1 Earnings Beat on Output Gains?US Stock Options | Tesla's trading volume surged to 2 million contracts! Nvidia, GME, NVAX are hotToday's Important News Review | Dolphin ResearchReport: Samsung's second-generation 3nm production line will start operation in the second half of the yearRoaring Kitty is back, and GameStop stock is rallying. The company still is struggling to make money.After the financial report was released, fundamental factors became more critical. Wall Street is optimistic about stocks such as AppleMarket Insight | Bilibili's W shares surged more than 7% during trading hours, with institutions expecting strong growth in its advertising business in the first quarterSoftBank's net loss for the 23rd fiscal year decreased by 76.5% year-on-year, achieving profitability for two consecutive quarters!Earnings Preview | Cisco Q3 Revenue, EPS Expected to Decline YoY, Performance Can Exceed Expectations to Become an Important Catalyst for Stock PriceTech Stock Weekly Recap: Xiaomi surged 7%, while Tesla plummeted 7%!Not enough to collect royalties? Report: ARM personally enters the chip-making field, set to start production in 2025Morgan Stanley also shouted! U.S. CPI on Wednesday is expected to be "significantly lower than expected"中金:港股市场接近我们第一阶段目标Wall Street warns Japan? BlackRock: Weak yen hinders foreign investment in Japanese stocks硬刚谷歌,OpenAI 即将公布新功能,不是 GPT-5 也不是搜索美股 5 月重拾上涨势头!富达:三大因素支撑股市回升恒生科技指数涨幅扩大至 1%,内房股持续走高、中国奥园涨超 38%科技巨头成通胀避险 “救星” 美元、黄金光芒依旧Market Insight | Alibaba-SW Surges Over 3% Now, Earnings to be Released After Market Tomorrow, Online GMV Expected to Achieve Healthy Growth腾讯和字节的幽灵在中国 AI 的上空徘徊港股内房股延续涨势,中国奥园涨超 40%,佳兆业集团涨超 20%SMIC's net profit in the first quarter fell by 68%, but the immediate concern is not profit"Microsoft-OpenAI" model! Chinese "AI unicorn" has been invested all over, Alibaba is the biggest funder of AI in ChinaKey indicator for the Fed's interest rate cut decision: Rent prices!Are the "Magnificent 7" fundamentals as solid as a rock? Are they still the "main force" leading the US stock market to new heights?Breakfast | Chinese concept giants such as Alibaba and Tencent will release their financial reports this week, while Apple is close to reaching an agreement with OpenAI日媒:日企纷纷返聘老员工,丰田将返聘年龄上限调至 70 岁这是港股目前最重要的五个问题!The hottest sector in the US stock market: Utilities with a combination of "defense and AI"中金:4 月金融数据放缓主因金融 “挤水分”,不必夸大影响Global central banks' "gold rush" is more intense than what you seeAlibaba Cloud made a big moveWanwu Cloud launched an industry revolutionHaier's market value soared by nearly a trillion7000 亿龙头券商高管换届,董事长总经理 “浮出水面”Robin Li "quickly approves" Xu Jing resignsDow Jones Industrial Average sees "eight consecutive gains", European and British stocks hit new highs, Hong Kong stocks outperform S&P this year - the global "value" counterattack!Everyone wants to know how Apple "AI-izes"? The answer is here: Siri!景林资产 13F:Q1 增持台积电、英伟达,减持拼多多,建仓阿里和京东ZEEKR's US stock market debut closed up 34.57% on the first day, with a market value exceeding 50 billionFed Governor Bowman turns hawkish: I see no reason to cut interest rates this yearStagflation threat and the Fed's hawkish stance suppress US stocks, Nasdaq falls back, Dow continues its eighth consecutive rise, ZEEKR makes a strong debut with a 35% surge, gold surges throughout the weekXiaomi captures April's car market traffic | Jianzhi Research