Tesla brings the new Model 3 to the market. Are domestic car companies ready?20,000 to buy a Tesla, it fell through.Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen have successively announced the lower limit of the first home loan interest rate.Q4 Starts Selling Shovels to NVIDIA? Samsung Soars Over 6%18000 points is the bottom of the Hong Kong stock market? How to understand the "risk on" that exceeds expectations?US stocks were also miserable in August? Wrong! Nvidia, Amazon, and Google are still rising!A Visual Guide | How badly did Hong Kong tech stocks fall in August?The Rebellion and Migration of Yu MinhongPC 市场复苏有望?戴尔第二财季业绩、下季度指引大超预期,盘后一度大涨超 10%China's sales surge by 60%! "Middle-class Harvester" Lululemon reports strong growth in the second quarter.God's Acquisition! Six months later, UBS finally reveals to the world: "How profitable is the acquisition of Credit Suisse"特斯拉发布新款 Model 3,起售价接近 26 万人民币Breakfast | S&P records largest monthly decline in six months, Tesla may release new Model 3 todayAI frenzy fails to reverse the decline in technology spending! Broadcom's Q3 performance exceeds expectations, but Q4 guidance is disappointing.Arm's listing plan has surfaced, and the roadshow for its IPO is expected to begin after the Labor Day holiday in the United States. The pricing of the IPO may be announced on September 13th.Optimistic about the recovery of the PC market, Intel's CEO expects Q3 to exceed expectations, causing the stock price to briefly surge by 3%.马斯克:X 将推出语音和视频通话功能Bridgewater Co-CIO: The Fed Needs More Time Than Market Expects to Cut Interest RatesCredit Suisse's First Earnings Report After Finalizing the Acquisition: Net Profit in the Second Quarter Reaches the Highest in Banking History | Earnings Report InsightsReviewing the market situation of NVIDIA's earnings report, how to make the right options trading?The Risks of the US Stock Market: Tech Giants "Feasting," Small Caps "Falling"Two Departments: Adjusting and Optimizing Housing Credit PoliciesTwo departments: Lowering the interest rate on existing first-home mortgages.Two departments: Gradually reducing the interest rates of existing housing loans in an orderly manner.存量首套房贷利率调整后 几千万户、上亿居民的财务负担会有明显下降两部门:各地可按照因城施策原则,自主确定辖区内首套和二套住房最低首付款比例和利率下限中国人民银行、国家金融监督管理总局关于调整优化差别化住房信贷政策的通知蔚小理的价格战打到哪儿了光大证券业绩说明会回应热点问题:反腐、股价、降费……Another evidence of the slowdown in the US job market! Layoffs surge while new job openings decrease significantly.华泰证券召开业绩说明会:发挥投行资管特色优势,大力发展资管业务Analysis Report | Is NVIDIA "Very Cheap" and Can Still Rise 50%? NIO and Xiaomi Target Prices Significantly Raised!Pre-market trading in US stocks | Baidu's "Wenxin Yiyuan" app downloads surge, rumors of Tesla Model 3 listing tomorrow, Alibaba Cloud completes record filing for Tongyi QianwenHalf-year performance hits a new high: Has Haidilao turned the corner?独家|特斯拉新款 Model 3,明天真来恒大财富公司被列为老赖国盛熊园:PMI 连升 3 个月,有 5 大信号Analyst: Compared to other tech giants, Nvidia is still "too cheap," with a target price of $730.商务部详解中美沟通新机制:遇到重要问题两国部长将及时直接讨论A clothing factory that rejects OEM production for big brands is now expanding overseas through Alibaba.