Toyota halts operations at 12 Japan factories due to a system failure - NHKWho will be the next "Medicine King"?来自价格的提示:“扛跌” 的转债毛利率首度反超特斯拉,比亚迪要的是量利齐升 | 见智研究花旗:如果美国能避免硬着陆 美联储量化紧缩可能会持续到 2025 年之前US stocks "Fully Bullish" is here? Citi: The second wave of "AI Technology Boom" will boost the entire marketiPhone15 及 Plus 或新增绿色Goldman Sachs: If the Bank of Japan maintains a dovish stance, the yen will fall back to 1990 levels.美媒:雷蒙多是拜登派出的 “压轴” 访华官员,中美商务部长会谈约两小时采用 M3 芯片、OLED 显示屏,苹果计划明年推出 iPad Pro 重大升级版本US stocks rose for two consecutive days, with Chinese concept stocks outperforming by more than 2%. Xpeng Motors took the lead, while European natural gas surged by 10%.The hawkish stance of the Federal Reserve withstands the test: the yield on 2-year US Treasury bonds exceeds 5% for the first time since 2006, while demand remains strong."Vietnam's Tesla" soared 35% in intraday trading, with a market value surpassing $210 billion, equivalent to two Goldman Sachs.挑战英伟达 H100 霸权!IBM 模拟人脑造神经网络芯片,效率提升 14 倍ChatGPT Enterprise is here! It offers twice the speed of regular GPT-4, a larger window, enhanced security and privacy, and the ability to customize your own exclusive GPT.Is Xiaopeng Motors really going to achieve what Elon Musk boasted about?Profitability has significantly improved, with BYD Electronics' net profit in the first half of this year increasing by 139.15% YoY | Earnings Report"The Dual Life of the 'Wall Street Guru'"Wang Xing still won Zhang Yiming"Selling Shovels" to NVIDIA! This South Korean chip giant's stock surged over 50% this year.桥水中国:我们没有看空中国股票 对中国资产依然较为乐观In a world where the real interest rate is 2%, is a P/E ratio of 19 reasonable? This is the "high dividend dilemma" in the US stock market.互联网这个行业,从来就不存在简单粗暴的规律财政部、税务总局:延续实施个人所得税综合所得汇算清缴有关政策蚂蚁集团:通过 “蚂蚁森林” 累计协议捐资 34.65 亿元Effect at its peak! Live streaming with Musk showcasing Tesla's autonomous driving, "roaming the streets" to challenge Zuckerberg one-on-one!Hong Kong Dollar Interest Rates Fall Across the Board for 3 Consecutive Days, Overnight Interest Rates Drop Below 2%AI 要被卡脖子了?训练大模型的数据或在 2026 年耗尽多个重磅事件来袭,美股 9 月反弹面临考验小鹏和滴滴,到底谁更需要谁?中国中免,何以复苏恒大开盘成 “仙” 目前港股内房股 “仙股” 扎堆,大约有 80 只地产股是 “仙股”花旗微降美团目标价至 214 港元 评级买入郭台铭宣布参加 2024 年台湾地区领导人选举何小鹏:MONA 车型是小鹏第二品牌、第三品牌的开始 年销量预期至少 10 万辆以上南向资金净流入超 30 亿元XPENG-WDiDi "marriage": XPENG-W manufacturing cars, DiDi operating王文涛会见美国商务部长雷蒙多Hong Kong Stock Market | XPENG-W Soars Over 14% and Forms Strategic Partnership with DiDi, Officially Entering the Multi-Brand Strategy PhaseEVERGRANDE resumes trading with a 86.7% opening drop.EVERGRANDE creditors voted today in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands on the restructuring plan.小鹏汽车:滴滴将成为小鹏汽车的战略股东,首批股份的锁定期为 24 个月历史首次!调降融资保证金 “活跃资本市场”,国君:政策效果大有可期小鹏汽车:拟 58.35 亿元收购滴滴智能汽车开发业务资产FENGXIANG CO plans to issue a maximum of approximately 183 million shares to two investors for subscription, raising a net amount of approximately HKD 272 million.