蚂蚁集团推出多模态遥感模型 SkySense吐槽完 Sora,Google 自己做的 “基础世界模型” 来了Goldman Sachs CEO warns: The market is too optimistic about a "soft landing" in the United States.Beauty products outperform AI? This company's five-year growth far surpasses NVIDIA.Viking 大涨 121%:GLP-1R/GIPR 肥胖二期临床,三个月减重 14.6 公斤New Street Research has downgraded Arm's rating to "Neutral" as its valuation is deemed to be too high.NASDAQ narrowly avoided a third consecutive decline, with NVIDIA falling more than 2% at one point, LI AUTO surged by double digits for two consecutive days after its earnings report, and Bitcoin hit a new high again.距离历史最高仅差 17%!比特币价格一度涨超 5.7 万美元BUZZ-Highly shorted Beyond Meat's shares double after qtrly reportUS Wrap-Up|Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>3B)A decade of car-making defeated by the AI wave? Apple reportedly cancels electric car project, team shifts focus to generative AI.日股再创新高,美股指连跌,中概继续跑赢大盘,理想汽车盘初涨超 10%Canaan's Q4 revenue exceeded expectations, with net losses narrowing.Polarization becoming more severe? Morgan Stanley: There is no small-cap stock market in the U.S., and large-cap stocks will continue to support the market.US Stock Market Outlook: Futures of the three major stock indexes are all up. JPMorgan Chase predicts a 50% chance of a soft landing for the US economy.After attracting over $1 billion in funding with a blockbuster product, is the "Loss King" BeiGene now looking to tighten its belt?Zhitong Hong Kong Stock Analysis: Chinese companies' overseas expansion boosts confidence, technology wave takes the lead.美联储何时停止缩表?Li Auto (LI) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript重振半导体荣光!拉来苹果、特斯拉大佬助阵,日本芯片投入再加码Ideal Q4 conference call: 2024 will be an unprecedented year for product launches, with no models priced below 200,000 yuan in the next five-year plan.Stock Traders Purchase Large Volume of SoundHound AI Call OptionsAI 革命不止,瑞银:英伟达将带动北美经济增长“七姐妹” 太贵?资金叛逃至货基The Inescapable Economic Cycle: Buying in a recession yields the highest returns.After the collapse of the "Super High-Speed Rail," Tesla's "Underground Tunnel" is also in jeopardy.投资者对小微盘仍有分歧?After hitting new highs, BlackRock and Morgan Stanley continue to be bullish on the Japanese stock market!巴菲特也 “出手” 了?比特币开启狂欢模式,日内最大涨幅超 10%WSB 热议|英伟达持仓股狂飙!SOUN 隔夜升 46%Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (02.27) | Hang Seng Index rose by 0.94%, with a strong performance in the automotive industry chain. LI AUTO surged by 25% after its earnings report.The cycle of the tech industry in the United States: NVIDIA's cash flow equals the capital expenditures of other tech giants.Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics | February 27thDeepMind CEO 最新《纽约时报》专访:AGI 将使能源变得廉价甚至免费,货币性质也将发生转变The female stock guru Pelosi has set her sights on this stock again, surging by 7%.Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Refreshing a two-year high! Bitcoin soaring above $57,000 triggers a frenzy in the cryptocurrency market (with concept stocks attached).Quick Overview: How do brokerage analysts evaluate LI AUTO?和 Gemeni 1.5 pro 在一起的第一周:一次处理 80 万汉字!强过 GPT4?高盛:予阿里巴巴 “买入” 评级及目标价 102 港元 估值具有吸引力加息预期来回摇摆?瑞银:4 月日央行还是会加息,但之后节奏放缓NVIDIA stated that the increased restrictions on chip exports by the US will harm its competitiveness. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded.阿里巴巴旗下南亚电商平台 Daraz 宣布裁员What's the signal? As the stock price hits a new high, American executives collectively cash out at high levels.Hong Kong stock market anomaly | Bitcoin concept stocks show strength as Bitcoin price breaks through $57,000. Bitcoin spot ETF was previously approved in the United States.After-hours trading | Chaotic dance of demons, blockchain concept stocks continue to soar.中国硬科技霸场 MWC!小米 SU7 出征,华为搞大事,AI 炸了芯片窝下一个 OpenAI 来了?Mistral 超大杯模型直逼 GPT-4,93 年创始人 6 人公司被微软认领