Why is the Hong Kong stock market experiencing another significant decline, hitting a ten-month low?赣锋锂业 10 亿投塞力斯 “造车” 了?| 见智研究Be careful! There is another negative factor in the US stock market.Ideal Car: About to Complete Delivery of 500,000 Vehicles Ideal Car is pleased to announce that we are on the verge of reaching a significant milestone - the delivery of our 500,000th vehicle. This achievement is a testament to the unwavering support and trust of our valued customers. Since our inception, we have been committed to revolutionizing the automotive industry by providing high-quality, innovative, and sustainable vehicles. Our dedication to excellence has propelled us to become a leader in the market, and the imminent completion of our 500,000th vehicle delivery is a testament to our success. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our customers who have chosen Ideal Car as their preferred automotive brand. Your continued support and loyalty have been instrumental in our journey towards this remarkable milestone. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering exceptional vehicles that exceed your expectations. We will continue to push the boundaries of automotive technology, design, and performance to provide you with the ultimate driving experience. Once again, we extend our sincerest appreciation to all our customers for their trust and confidence in Ideal Car. We look forward to serving you in the future as we strive to create a greener, smarter, and more sustainable future for the automotive industry. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Ideal CarUS Stock Options | "Southeast Asia's Little Tencent" Sea Options Trading Volume Quadruples, Call Options Trading Surges In the world of US stock options, there has been a significant increase in trading volume for Sea options, often referred to as the "Southeast Asia's Little Tencent". The trading volume for Sea options has quadrupled, indicating a growing interest in this stock. One particular area of interest is the trading of call options, which has seen a dramatic surge. Call options give investors the right to buy a stock at a predetermined price within a specified time frame. The increased trading activity in call options suggests that investors are optimistic about the future performance of Sea stock and are positioning themselves to benefit from potential price increases. This surge in trading volume and interest in Sea options reflects the growing popularity and recognition of Sea as a major player in the Southeast Asian market. As investors seek opportunities in this region, Sea has emerged as a promising investment option, often compared to Tencent, a Chinese multinational conglomerate. It is worth noting that options trading can be complex and carries a certain level of risk. Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance before engaging in options trading. As always, it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor or professional before making any investment decisions. In conclusion, the increased trading volume and surge in call options trading for Sea options indicate a growing interest and optimism in the stock. As the "Southeast Asia's Little Tencent", Sea continues to attract attention and presents potential investment opportunities for those looking to tap into the Southeast Asian market.Alibaba, Meituan, JD.com: How to win the "battle for growth"?Will the US stock market continue to fall? The surprising reason is that it rose too much in the first half of the year!The market's "ghost story": "The Anchor of Asset Pricing for Major Categories" has officially broken through for the first time since 2007, and the world's largest asset management company says "it's not over yet."iPhone15 交货时间是前代两倍汇丰研究下调商汤目标价至 1.6 港元 评级持有Historically Brutal! US Long Bond ETF Approaching HalvingOpenAI founder Altman: GPT-5 and GPT-6 still cannot achieve AGIBreakfast | Popular Chinese concept stocks fall, Ideal Car drops 10%, ChatGPT achieves "see, hear, speak"The last AAA rating of the United States is also at risk? Moody's warns of government shutdown, US bond yields continue to riseUS Energy Giants: Oil Prices Near $100 and No Increase in Production, If the US Government Does Not Take Action, They Will Rise to $150Challenge Tesla's Technology! General Motors' new Chief Technology Officer says it should produce its own batteries.标普纳指尝试转涨未果,美国长债收益率突破多年新高,蔚来跌幅砍半Introducing ChatGPT, the conversational and image-savvy AI! Taking "super assistant" to the next level.蔚来发公告澄清筹资传闻:目前没有任何应报告的融资活动Technical Analysis | Two Charts Show US Semiconductor PeakingShould Hong Kong stocks "hold shares for the holiday"?Autonomous driving is still far away, but Tesla FSD remains the top choice.蔚来:30 亿美元融资传言不实Pre-market trading in US stocks: NIO and Xpeng both drop over 6%, Huawei releases MateBook M9! Amazon invests $4 billion in AI company Anthropic.Bank Analysis Report | XPeng's target price has been raised! Apple, Tencent, Meituan, Kuaishou, and NetEase are all favored!After a 60% plunge, JPMorgan: Disney will rise by 50%!US stocks are approaching oversold levels in the short term! How much pressure will there be in the future?Morgan Stanley Bullish on "WeChat Mini Games": Market Still Underestimating Tencent!Alibaba returns above the 10-day moving average, how are Cainiao and Hema progressing in their IPOs?渗透率刚 3.5%,下一个新能源车 “风口”?| 见智研究Will the US stock market experience a "crash"? JPMorgan: Accelerated decline in the fourth quarter!Hollywood screenwriters reach a "tentative" agreement with companies like Disney, ending a months-long strike.Arm and Instacart both fell back to their IPO prices, the excitement of the US stock market IPO is not enough.US Stock Options | Active Trading in Bearish Options for Nvidia and Meta, Options Trading Doubled for Sofi and DraftkingsTechnical Analysis | Buying Opportunities in US Stocks Approaching! Uncertainty in Hong Kong Stocks for Rebound Space Determination苹果拟在印度扩产:五年增五倍Hong Kong stock policies and sentiments hit rock bottom! Why is the market still able to hold on?Huahong Semiconductor invests 12 billion yuan to enhance its 12-inch special process, betting on the hidden risks of the automotive market cycle?郭明錤:大立光、水晶光电与蓝特光学为 iPhone 15 Pro Max 长焦镜头规格提高的最大赢家中信证券:特斯拉 End-to-end 方案初现 有望复制 FSD 成功路径美国联邦贸易委员会最快于周二对亚马逊提起反垄断诉讼--PoliticoBreakfast | The US government may shut down as early as this week, and Indian media reports that Apple plans to increase its production scale in India several times over.苹果 15 系列发售首个周末:Pro Max 上海门店脱销Is the US stock market sending a recession signal? Investors are pinning their hopes on the earnings season to "save the day." Is the decline just noise?美民调:不支持拜登连任总统的人数比例达到其任期内最高水平