"Last Samurai" Surrendering? Bank of Japan Governor Hints at Possible End to Negative Interest RatesThe scale and outlook of the relaxation of purchase restrictions负利率结束开始倒计时Russia and Saudi Arabia have joined forces to cut production, but demand has far exceeded expectations. Since July, oil prices have risen by 20%.利率的顶在哪里?威马汽车:自愿终止与 Apollo 出行在港交所的 RTO 进程对话蚂蚁集团副总裁徐鹏:开源是大模型的未来趋势越南许家印,造车他是认真的?阿波罗:未来一年 7.6 万亿美元美国国债将到期,加剧利率上行压力Inflation bottomed out! Dual drivers of pork and oil, YoY CPI turned positive in August, MoM PPI turned positive, while demand remains weak.华为强势回归 Mate 60 重现当年 iPhone 排队抢购盛况英伟达连续三日下跌,“木头姐” 进一步减仓,抛售近 1000 万美元股票中石油放大招:收购普天新能源 推进充电领域布局马斯克旗下 X 应用下载量创 10 年多最低,两个月下降近 30%The final sprint of lithium prices? | Insights from Dolphin ResearchWei Long: Price Increase of Spicy Strips, Investors "Disheartened"?ChatGPT's website traffic has been declining for three consecutive months, and AI is in urgent need of a new strategy!三万应届生涌入比亚迪,谁被谁改变The union firmly rejects the conditions set by the three major car manufacturers! Is a strike imminent as the "black swan" takes flight next week?腾讯能否借助 “混元大模型” 逆风翻盘?6700 亿余额宝突发Didi Q2 Earnings Report: Revenue YoY Growth of 52.6%, Net Loss of 300 Million Approaching Profitability | Insights from Financial Reports1 billion is not a problem for Xu Jiayin, the former gold owner.中国金融业的 “大模型时刻”淘宝 AI 大模型 “淘宝问问” 正在内测,输入信息生成文字、图片、视频等中国 8 月 CPI 同比 +0.1%,前值-0.3%;中国 8 月 PPI 同比-3.0%,前值-4.4%。用 ChatGPT 分析金融数据!摩根士丹利与 OpenAI 合作A small bank in the United States is experiencing the largest outflow of deposits since the Silicon Valley banking crisis, with a significant increase in inflow of funds into the money market.红杉,清仓美团?套现超 500 亿Apple's sharp decline takes a breather, while the Nasdaq and S&P rebound. Tech stocks suffer a double blow in stocks and bonds for the week, while the US dollar continues its eight-week winning streak.Continued rise for eight weeks! The US Dollar Index achieves the longest weekly increase in eighteen years.郭明錤称苹果今年不会推出搭载 M3 芯片的 MacBook 笔记本Valuation falls short of Son's expectations, but IPO still in high demand! Media: ARM oversubscribed by potentially five times.NVIDIA once again powers AI! Collaborates with two major Indian enterprises to develop supercomputers, large-scale models, and applications.This year's most important Apple event preview: Saying goodbye to the iPhone 15, notch display, and Lightning port盒马回应被搁置 IPO:不予置评"Hugging Face," the "Smiling Assassin": Valued at $4.5 billion, tearing down OpenAI's "walls" | AI Unicorn浦发银行官宣人事变动:建行老将张为忠已任党委书记,原董事长行长双双辞任Holding 10,000 H100 cards, this AI company has raised $200 million in funding with a valuation of $1 billion, and NVIDIA has invested again!美团又挑起了一场战争CPCA: In August, retail sales of passenger vehicles reached the highest level in history, with a YoY growth of 34.5% in the sales of new energy vehicles.August Electric Vehicle Price War Shows Significant Results, Consumers Rush In | Insight ResearchOnly AI that makes money is good AI.摩根士丹利称中国限制 iPhone 可能影响苹果公司 4% 的收入Mercedes-Benz has unveiled its killer move.乘联会:8 月乘用车批发销量超两万辆车型共 16 个,Model Y 居首盒马的疯狂可能才刚刚开始