大摩:上调微软目标价至 415 美元 在企业软件领域处于最佳位置亚太主要股市全线下跌Is the US stock market rally not over? Bank of America indicator: S&P 500 index expected to rise 16% in the next year.On the day when US stocks fell across the board, why didn't Microsoft decline?恒指跌超 1% 恒生科技跌超 2% 科技股、新能源车走低 百度、京东跌超 2%中国财政部相关负责人就美财政部部长耶伦访华答媒体询问Why is high interest rate still unable to suppress employment? Will the Federal Reserve take tough measures? It all depends on tonight's non-farm payroll report.Once again, "stocks and bonds plummet," expectations of interest rate hikes in the US surge, will 2022 repeat itself?泰勒规则创始人:美联储还需要再加息中信证券:如何看待 ChatGPT 近期热度持续回落?世界密集关注耶伦访华!重磅!GPT-4 API,全面开放使用!DoorDash、优食和 Grubhub 就外卖员最低工资法起诉纽约市The US economy remains overheated, triggering bets on interest rate hikes and putting Wall Street traders in a predicament.消息称谷歌独立定制的 Pixel 手机芯片推迟一年,改由台积电代工The US FDA has approved the Alzheimer's drug Leqembi, which is expected to become the first of its kind to be covered by medical insurance.“小非农” 就业引爆激进加息预期,美股再跌,中概指数跌 3%,美债跳水WISE LIVING TEC's Hong Kong public offering and international offering were both moderately oversubscribed, with a per-share price of HKD 3.6.Affecting a $5.5 trillion market, the US SEC will introduce new regulations for money market funds.Twitter's formidable rival is gaining momentum! Meta's Threads platform has attracted over 30 million registrations within 16 hours.The New Wave has arrived! AI unexpectedly became the savior of the American technology industry.Sales Champion News: General Motors' second-quarter sales in the United States surged nearly 19%6 月中国金融数据前瞻:信贷、社融或延续同比少增、环比回暖The US non-manufacturing sector reached a four-month high in June, with the gap between non-manufacturing and manufacturing industries reaching its largest level since 2015.拼多多跨境电商 Temu 版图再扩大:上线日本站点,正式进军亚洲市场高盛 “不可能的三位一体” 如何打破?联储 7 月加息概率提升,BoJ 经济调查支持调整 YCC——宏观脱水 0706June's non-farm payroll data exploded! The ADP report shows an increase of 497,000 jobs in the United States, more than double the expected figure.ADP 就业数据传递明确信号,周五非农报告引关注Why doesn't the Federal Reserve loosen its stance? Wage inflation has quietly arrived.李强:要围绕稳增长、稳就业、防风险等 抓紧实施一批针对性、组合性、协同性强的政策措施大行速睇 | Netflix 获列入三季度十大首选美股!微软目标价获大幅上调Hong Kong's three major stock indexes all fell, with the Hang Seng Index dropping 3%. Consumer stocks led the decline, while rare earths experienced a pullback. XPENG-W rose more than 4.5%.AI 股行情可能很快消失?瑞银:警惕美股下半年回调风险!国泰君安:当前宏观政策进入轻踩油门阶段Microsoft Greater China Chairman: In the future, every application will be powered by AI. These are the six key application scenarios.ChatGPT app downloads slowed down, with negative growth in traffic. Bing's market share declined. Did AI fail to challenge search engines?全球巨头抢购这一 AI 产品,台积电也 “被迫” 加单,机构还挖出四大潜力存储器Bulls and bears are watching: Where is the limit of Tesla's "price war" with only two models?AI 智能体卷爆大模型!AutoGPT 等 4 大 Agent 打擂,「西部世界」谁将成为软件 2.0?就在明年!微软市值为何也有望飚上 3 万亿美元?Track Hyper | Tencent Cloud's AGI Infrastructure: Boosting LLM with Vector Databases一张图看懂 | 马斯克 vs 扎克伯格:真正战场在股市!谁输谁赢?还是打平?《汽车行业维护公平市场秩序承诺书》正式签署