英伟达股价已经见顶了吗?Typhoon "Sura" is approaching. If the Hong Kong stock market is closed all day on Friday, the quarterly adjustment of the Hang Seng Index will be postponed until after the market closes next Monday.证监会副主席王建军:综合运用股票、债券等多种工具,稳妥应对民营房地产企业风险特斯拉因夸大汽车续航里程面临联邦检察官的调查 -- 华尔街日报估值 14 亿美元!OpenAI 挑战者中又出现一只独角兽桥水中国近 9 亿布局黄金 ETF11 家 AI 大模型产品今日起将陆续上线 腾讯华为等也将开放锂价下滑、上游去库,天齐锂业的苦日子还会持续大麻合法化一步之遥!拜登政府呼吁移出高危分类,多只大麻股两位数飙涨9 月 1 日起多家全国性银行再下调存款挂牌利率 调降幅度 10-25 个基点广深同日官宣 “认房不认贷”,业内:北上两城跟进概率较大Tech stocks are no match for this! Wall Street predicts that the US real estate construction industry will continue to thrive in the next 12 months.郭明錤:堆栈 CIS 问题影响了约 10–15% 的普通版机种出货量After Apple, Google's new machine is also coming: Officially announced the October 4th conference, implying AI features.US stocks rose for the fourth consecutive day, with Chinese concept stocks down 0.2%. NVIDIA closed at a new high, while the US dollar and US bond yields declined.Another real estate company's interim report: Ocean Group's revenue for the first half of the year decreased by 11%, and the board of directors does not recommend the distribution of interim dividends.美媒:特斯拉 “42 号” 秘密项目招致监管调查苹果尝试用 3D 打印机生产智能手表 Watch 的钢质底盘Baidu Wenxin is fully open to the whole society.转型期的 “阵痛” 长城汽车上半年净利同比大跌 75.69% 二季度环比大涨超 500%|财报见闻净利增长超 21%,广发基金公募业务 “大象起舞”证监会王建军:依法依规推动符合条件的平台企业在境内外上市财政部:打好宏观政策、扩大内需、改革创新、防范化解风险组合拳碧桂园服务发表 “独立宣言”科网巨头港股下挫 快手跌近 6%央行:已经形成金融支持民营经济发展的文件初稿央行召开金融支持民营企业发展工作推进会,多家银行、民企参会Tesla Cybertruck may enter full-scale production phase.Senior Industry Executive: This wave of AI is just beginning, it's far from reaching its peak.高德地图上线 Apple 产品购买服务Mate 60 与 iPhone 15 同台竞技,华为与苹果,9 月一战!锂王也避不开寒冬谷歌新一代 AI 芯片发布,Jeff Dean:AI 硬件性能提升更难了消息称台积电将急单的 CoWoS 报价提高 20%China's largest ETF is expected to see record-breaking monthly capital inflows.“木头姐” 最新访谈:别只盯着英伟达,每只股票都可能成为 AI 股谷歌推出面向企业客户的 AI 工具,月费 30 美元对打微软同类产品这些大 “杀器” 一现身,谷歌的野心再藏不住了Crazy Cash Out! Report: Open AI's Revenue to Reach $1 Billion in the Next Year拼多多漂亮的二季报,京东送来 “神助攻”?