Nvidia short sellers suffer "violent beating": Loss of $2.3 billion overnight!耐克阿迪日渐式微,经销商滔博很 “受伤”“最后大限” 逼近!美国债务上限 “极限博弈”:有进展,没结果!谷歌 “AI 搜索” 掀开面纱“人型机器人” 的 “iPhone 时刻” 要来了!化干戈为玉帛?福特将采用特斯拉充电标准Breakfast | Nvidia skyrocketed, Chinese concept stocks fell for three consecutive days, OpenAI considers withdrawing from the European market好市多 Q3 营收及每股收益均不及预期 同店销售额增长 0.3%英伟达股价暴涨,“木头姐” 错失 5600 亿美元大反弹据悉台积电欲获得在德国的建厂补贴,至高可达 50 亿欧元英伟达狂飙 24%,力挺纳指标普反弹,债务违约威胁压顶,道指五连跌收购后就是大裁员!摩根大通 “砍掉” 第一共和千名员工熟悉的味道?美国散户开始 “爆炒” 中小银行股与沙特唱反调?俄副总理预计 6 月 OPEC+ 不减产,美油盘中跌 4.5%AI 盛宴将英伟达推向万亿美元市值,“传统芯片商” 英特尔成最大输家?交易员重新押注美联储加息未完成,最早 6 月加息可能性超五成AI 狂潮正将英伟达推向 “万亿美元俱乐部” 但对英特尔和 AMD 助力不大美团电话会:AI 对履约型服务业影响不大,但正在研发大模型TikTok 正在测试名为 Tako 的人工智能聊天机器人阿里巴巴:网传裁员为谣言 今年预估新招 15000 人Is AI stock too expensive as the US stock market shows cracks?A Picture to Understand the Income Contribution of AI: NVIDIA is as High as 60%, but TSMC is Less Than 3%!AI 概念才没有泡沫化!知名机构与华尔街大行 “唱反调”How to Bet on Artificial Intelligence: Invest in Nvidias, Not Teslas!别克想要打破合资车企 “魔咒”AI 顺风助力英伟达,英国通胀比欧美更严重,美联储决策更依赖数据——宏观脱水 0525Pre-market of US stocks | NVIDIA soars 27%! Roblox executive reduces holdings of own stocks, Fitch may downgrade US sovereign credit rating.游戏收入助力营收,网易 Q1 净利润同比涨超 53% 超预期|财报见闻What? Even reaching a debt ceiling agreement may not be good news for US stocks!Big Move Alert | Nvidia's target price doubles to $500! Does JD.com's Hong Kong stock have room to double too?长城给了比亚迪一记闷棍英伟达是如何成长为 AI“算力之王” 的?Financial Report is Out | CLOUD MUSIC's Q1 Net Profit Greatly Exceeds Expectations! Gaming Revenue Increases Both MoM and YoYEarnings Report is Out | MEITUAN-W's Adjusted Net Profit in Q1 Reaches Record High, Revenue Significantly Exceeds Market Expectations恒指跌近 2%,比亚迪、长城汽车股价双双跳水,传媒尾盘飘红消费复苏显著!美团 Q1 营收大增 26.7%,净利润 33.6 亿同比环比皆扭亏 | 财报见闻Increasing healthcare holdings, selling technology stocks! An article analyzing hedge funds' $2.2 trillion positions.MEITUAN-W enters "Hong Kong", no new story车企龙头 “撕破脸皮”,股价双双大跌,到底咋回事儿?CICC: US stocks temporarily avoid sharpness in the short term, and turn to growth stocks after the mid-term recession trade is realized!More countries approve Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard! Wall Street should be more optimistic英伟达:数据中心产品需求能见度已拉长几个季度Prospect | MEITUAN-W's first-quarter takeaway profits may exceed expectations! The "Douyin quick battle" is slowing down, and the recovery of in-store services is accelerating.NVIDIA leads the AI wave, with stock prices reaching historic highs!