理解市场 | 特斯拉暴跌实是 “抄底良机”?Understanding the market | Wall Street's logic in trading US stocks has undergone a significant change! Why?马斯克开源 Grok-1:3140 亿参数迄今最大,权重架构全开放,磁力下载A 12-fold increase in one year! "AI's most promising stock" Super Micro Computer will be included in the S&P index today.FSD V12.3 大规模推送在即 将引入神经网络新股公告 | 百乐皇宫今起招股 预计 3 月 26 日上市 引入向上国际科技作为基投认购 7000 万港元的发售股份Breakfast | NVIDIA is preparing to welcome the Federal Reserve meeting, TENCENT, Pinduoduo, and other earnings reports.靠 AIGC 翻身,又遇比特币大涨,蔡文胜的美图「赌赢」了?八折买黄金首饰,可能么?Bullish voices are constantly heard! Binance's new CEO: Expects Bitcoin to break through $80,000 amid continuous inflow of ETFsEXCLUSIVE-Reddit's IPO as much as five times oversubscribed, sources say“飞行汽车第一股”,营收大涨比特币减半事件倒数 30 日,何谓减半?The European and American electric vehicles suffered a "major defeat", while the "reverse version" of TM ADR US staged a comeback.比特币减半将在 4 月到来英伟达的客户们下一个财年的打算NVIDIA: Besides B100, also consider application testing.多家 VC 谈 AI 应用的护城河:技术差异正趋近于零When the market narrative shifts from "AI memory" to "overall memory recovery," is it Samsung's opportunity?日本第二大和第三大车企抱团取暖Without the boost of artificial intelligence, will Apple become a "boring" value stock?财付通注册资本获准从 10 亿增至 153 亿,成注册资本最高的非银行支付机构Richard Yu: XPeng-W is currently the best in domestic intelligent driving, but now Huawei has entered the game.TCL is making a move again.王传福:新能源渗透率将在 3 个月内突破 50%Investors are shifting from gold to Bitcoin? JPMorgan Chase: Those who love gold buy gold bars, those who love Bitcoin buy ETFs.Physical labor is being done by someone! Mercedes-Benz factory pilot introduces humanoid robots.美参议员敦促 SEC 停止批准新的加密货币 ETF美国检方寻求判处 FTX 创始人班克曼 - 弗里德至高 50 年监禁加密货币经历短暂调整 接下来会怎么走?“三巫日” 5 万亿到期压顶,标普纳指三连跌,芯片股指连挫,英伟达惊险十周连涨,比特币加速跳水比特币期货跌约 2% 勉强守住 6.8 万美元,ETF 普跌,数字货币概念股多数收涨UBS is bearish on Tesla: slashing the target price by 26% to $165, the next wave of growth is expected in 2026.BMW responds to being named on March 15th.“包租公” 太古地产赚麻了加密货币市值大跌 7%,6.6 亿美元多头头寸被平仓Bank of America: Overlooked Risks of Stagnation, Record High Inflows of Funds into US Stocks in a Single Week建行董事长更新,行长张金良接 “接棒”Goldman Sachs: NVIDIA has led the first phase of the AI industry, paving the way for the next three stages.ByteDance Games is cautiously crossing the river with NetEase and Tencent.India has announced a reduction in import tariffs on electric vehicles for specific car companies in order to attract external investments.为什么 2023 年以来金价持续上涨?The market is too pessimistic! Morgan Stanley is bullish on the Chinese electric vehicle industry, stating that the second quarter may usher in an important turning point.初探 GB200 参考设计