The Nikkei Index broke through 35,000 points for the first time since 1990! Asian markets rose during Thursday's session. Will there be any movement in the US CPI tonight?Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Buy coins like buying stocks! Bitcoin spot ETF approved in the US, these digital currency companies welcome good news (with concept stocks)“木头姐”:SEC 主席的声明是对加密货币行业的诋毁香港政府研再提高煙草稅 降低吸煙率香港加密货币概念股劲扬!BC 科技飙升 24%* 瑞银:药明生物管理层对今年复苏持乐观态度* 富瑞升理想汽车目标价至 214.85 元 吉利降至 9.6 元理解市场 | 开盘大涨 15%!药明生物发生了什么?A comprehensive guide to the recently approved US Bitcoin ETF by the SEC亚市早盘:亚股上涨 比特币价格攀升Tencent and ByteDance are also discussing business now.全面盘点 CES2024,奔驰宝马极氪小鹏卷什么?理解市场 | 银行股为何又 “真香” 了?Will Bitcoin become "Gold 2.0"? Or is it more like a speculative meme stock?比特币短暂升破 47000 美元,对比特币现货 ETF 获批反应相对平淡Breakfast | NVIDIA hits a new all-time high for three consecutive days, and the application for the listing of Bitcoin spot ETF is approved.Before the heavyweight CPI announcement, SPDR S&P 500 rebounded, NVIDIA hit a three-day record high, and SPDR S&P 500 is expected to be listed. Bitcoin surged thousands of dollars during the trading session.The shoe has dropped! The U.S. SEC approves a spot ETF, and Bitcoin rises above $47,000.OpenAI's New Year's blockbuster! GPT Store is now live, and new products for enterprise customers are also available.Amazon's largest-ever layoff scale has expanded again: Media and game streaming departments lay off hundreds of people for the new year.US Stock Market Update | Cryptocurrency-related stocks fall due to "fake announcement" incident, Coinbase drops nearly 3%道指开盘涨 0.03%,标普 500 涨 0.1%,纳指涨 0.1%霍华德·马克斯最新发声:宽松货币时代已终结,赚钱变得更难CES 2024 展现汽车行业新风向:电动车热度减弱, AI“上车” 成趋势Annual Shareholder Letter from the 'British Buffett': The market has deemed NVIDIA and Microsoft as winners in AI, but history has proven that the market is always wrong.美国资管公司仍期待比特币 ETF 获批排队 3 小时才抢到!原价 8200 元的冲锋衣,被炒到 1.2 万元!中年男性的消费能力被低估了?贝莱德计划将现货比特币 ETF 的费用从 0.30% 降低至 0.25%手机开启消费降级颠覆 GPU、打倒英伟达!深扒 12 家 AI 芯片独角兽Pre-market Update: Li Auto Falls, NVIDIA Rises! Coinbase Leads the Cryptocurrency Stock Market Plunge夺回 “韩国老二” 位置后,“HBM 王者” 海力士 CEO 豪言:AI 时代,市值三年翻番理解美联储下一步的关键,“新政策目标”:流动性?Rating Quick Look | BABA-SWR target price continuously lowered! NIO-SW rating also downgraded抖音:2023 年生活服务到店订单增长 179%字节跳动回应懂车帝将成独立公司:基于业务正常发展需要Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (01.10) | Hang Seng Index fell 0.57%, healthcare and catering stocks rose against the trend, HAIDILAO led the blue-chip stocks.约十家基金公司筹备在香港推出虚拟资产现货 ETFUS Stock Options | NVIDIA and Tesla regain the title of call option trading champions! Alibaba calls and Boeing puts continue to be hotAI chip demand support! Taiwan Semiconductor Q4 revenue exceeds expectations, on par with historical highs