"Investment" or "Acquisition"? Microsoft and OpenAI caught the attention of the European Union's antitrust agency.现货 ETF 获批进入倒计时,比特币价格盘整回调Pre-market US stocks | JD leads the decline in Chinese concept stocks, Dada Nexus surges! ByteDance sells to TENCENT?Understanding the IPO Prospectus of Moxi Ice City with One PictureDada Nexus plunges 45%, could it be the next 40-fold Luckin Coffee?MEITUAN's short-selling data surges!Rating Quick Look | NVIDIA, TENCENT "Preferred"! "Buy"! BABA-SWR target price lowered蔚来 2024 年开年内部信:用好投资者的每一分钱Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week High and Low Statistics | January 9th蜜雪冰城冲击 IPO 风险大 美团、高瓴坐不住了字节跳动游戏业务究竟会出售给谁?2024 年度核心主题:全球央行集体转向降息八款应用对比,看 AI 眼中的上海 “繁花” 世界Is there a "mole" in JD Dada?US Stock Options | Verizon, AT&T's trading volume skyrocketed! Even crazier than Nvidia and Tesla!读完苹果 42 页的专利,我找到了 Vision Pro 的杀手锏美团到店总裁张川:今年到店之战关键在「天天低价」澳门赌厅大鳄洗米华案细节披露!Understanding the Market | Why is Amazon's stock price expected to reach a new all-time high?消息称中国电商巨头 Shein 年收入 “远超过” 300 亿美元 击败老牌零售商大华继显:下调港交所评级至 “持有” 目标价降至 300 港元亚市午盘:亚洲股市上涨 芯片股走强Understanding the Market | Up 6% last night! Where is the strength of NVIDIA's three new chip releases?抖音将 “抖币” 更名为 “钻石”Understanding the Market | Why did tech stocks skyrocket last night?现货比特币 ETF 获批将近 发行公司开启价格战以争夺市场份额Bank of America: Due to its "monopoly position," Boeing's impact from the "cabin door incident" is limited.國泰續取消航班 機師工會:疫下裁員是禍根Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Priced at HKD 25,000! Apple Vision Pro will be listed on February 2nd. The era of spatial computing has arrived (with concept stocks attached).机构:手游《PUBG Mobile》海外总收入逼近 45 亿美元滴滴出行「3 分钟无车赔」活动在 105 个城市再度上线破发!美中嘉和上市首日一度大跌 30%TikTok owner ByteDance in talks with Tencent, others to sell gaming assetsHong Kong Stock Market Update | SINOHOPE TECH surges over 8% as market anticipates approval of Bitcoin ETF, Bitcoin breaks through $47,000.中信证券:维持腾讯控股 “买入” 评级 四季度净利润有望同比高增Understanding the Market | Why is the concept of innovative drugs collectively rising?BlackRock: If inflation continues to decline, risk assets are expected to continue to rise.苹果预告 Vision Pro 首发细节:超 250 款 Arcade 游戏、150 部 3D 电影Understanding the Market | The global economy is entering a new super cycle!Hong Kong Stock Market Update | MEITU Surges Over 4% in Early Trading, Bitcoin Hits Nearly Two-Year High, Company Has Previously Purchased Virtual Currency Multiple Times.AMD's New Year's Big Move! Stock Price Soars 5%! Ryzen 8000 Series AI Processors Make a Strong Debut理解市场 | 为何今年全球电动车市场增长将放缓?Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | NVIDIA launches new graphics card, stock price reaches new high, 2024 becomes the year of AI PC development (with concept stocks)多国停飞波音公司事故机型飞机 大量航班被取消国泰航空近期取消多班航班,香港运输及物流局局长林世雄:已向国泰高层表达高度关注《新股表现》美中嘉和首日挂牌 开市较上市价低 31%* 大摩降阿里目标价至 85 美元 第三财季为另一痛苦过渡期英伟达 CES 发布会:三款 SUPER 显卡来袭、支持生成式 AI 改造游戏 NPC