证实了!多家银行今起 “降息”,部分中小银行仍有 “较高息” 产品Wall Street is tearing up reports again? "2024 target level", US bonds will have finished rising by the end of this year.Preheating in advance? The rebound of Southeast Asian stock markets at the end of the year brings new hope for a significant rise next year.全国住房城乡建设工作会议:坚持房住不炒定位 适应房地产市场供求关系发生重大变化新形势每日数字货币动态汇总马斯克称上市公司压力巨大,新年前夜经常在特斯拉交付中心度过美股空头今年损失 1780 亿美元,特斯拉空头损失 126 亿位居第一In response to the booming market demand, CBOE has expanded the zero-date option contract period for the Russell 2000 Index to every business day.Another consumer giant "explodes"! Nike announced a downward revision of its profit guidance and a large-scale layoff, causing its stock price to plummet. | Earnings Report《新股表现》泛远国际首日挂牌 一度升逾 46%Hong Kong Stock Market Update | JD-SW rises nearly 4%, leading the gains in technology and internet stocks. Overnight, Chinese concept stocks surged significantly. Institutions believe that the sector's cost-effectiveness is prominent.* 摩通:阿里-SW 吴泳铭兼任淘天集团 CEO 带来短期财务表现风险On the first day of trading, LANCANG TEA made its debut on the stock market with a flat opening in the morning session.On the first day of trading, HIGHTIDE-B made its debut and opened at a high of 3.65% in the morning session.On the first day of trading, PERSISTENCE RES made its debut on the stock market with a 7.27% decline in the morning session.S&P 500 Index in 2023: "Stormy Winds" with frequent changes in the top 50 market cap, NVIDIA stands out, and cruise stocks make a comeback...年内第三轮 “存款降息”,这一次不一样?LPR 会降吗?马斯克:我的公司从来没让投资者赔钱,特斯拉创造了最多的百万富翁员工韦德布什上调特斯拉目标价至 350 美元,预计明年市值重返 1 万亿美元民营连锁超市,告别进行时Breaking news! BlackRock wanted to take control of Huaping, but the negotiations fell through.Coinbase 在法国获得加密货币许可证报道:比亚迪最快周五宣布第一家欧洲工厂,落地匈牙利Tesla's mass production may be delayed! The production capacity of the 4680 battery is said to only meet 10% of the demand.新一轮房改启动,香港还是新加坡模式?存款利率迎年内第三次下调:长期限存款利率降幅更大,为何频繁下调Have you heard of the 'grain water tourists'? International rice prices have just hit a 15-year high.JPMorgan's view on the US stock market in 2024 | Pharmaceuticals: Will "weight loss giants" Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk continue to dominate?Ma Yun's most trusted person holds absolute power特斯拉成今年全球散户最爱个股Morgan Stanley's view on the US stock market in 2024: Will NVIDIA be ambushed by the "inference side" of the chip industry?Morgan Stanley: "Ten Unexpected Events That Could Impact the Global Market in 2024"Morgan Stanley's view on the US stock market in 2024 | Will the B-side of AI exceed expectations?美国考虑提高对中国电动汽车关税,外交部:“美式保护主义” 的升级版Car tech firm iMotion shares slump 13% in Hong Kong debut浙江省发改委:推动杭州市有序取消小客车限行限牌等政策AI iPhone Prelude? Apple publishes paper to solve "running large models on mobile memory"X 平台崩溃港股恒大汽车盘中大涨超 20%Goldman Sachs: What is the logic behind the "breakthrough at high levels" in the European and American stock markets next year?两大巨头的 “派对” 战争大摩:阿里非核心資產約值 670 億美元港股午後轉升 電動車股普跌亚市午盘:日本股市领跌亚股 标普 500 指数期货反弹拜登政府傳商討提高中國電動車等關稅理解市场 | 为什么美联储 “转鸽” 不再是买入信号?汇丰研究:内地新能源车定价压力可能会持续 偏好比亚迪及理想汽车