中金:预计美联储本周不会加息美国电车颓了,马斯克丧了可能是史上最强大 AI Agent!OpenAI 重磅更新:整合了多模态、外部访问、数据分析后的 GPT-4 更像是 AI Agent 了!US stocks experienced the "worst October in five years". Goldman Sachs: The market is pessimistic, providing entry opportunities!美国经济,已是利多出尽?下周前瞻 | 苹果、百胜中国、星巴克财报来袭!He Xiaopeng doesn't want to leave the poker table.Cloud giants "take sides" with AI unicorn, Google invests $2 billion in leading competitor Anthropic.美国第二大有线电视提供商 Charter 因与迪士尼纠纷损失 10 万名用户Wall Street is starting to "bottom fish" US bonds.The automotive industry's major strike is nearing its end: a 25% pay raise! General Motors and Stellantis are close to reaching an agreement with the union.Core PCE warming up does not hinder inflation trend! "New Fed News Agency": Fed expected to continue pause in rate hikesFord Motor Company plunges 10% and withdraws its full-year profit guidance. The problem is not just electric vehicles. | Earnings ReportExxonMobil and Chevron's profits fall short of expectations due to weak refining business and oversupply of chemicals, causing their stock prices to decline.道指跌超 0.5%,成分股雪佛龙跌约 6% 领跌,高盛创一年新低万科国资股东给出了强力背书Lei Jun takes on Huawei head-on.Be prepared for the unexpected! OpenAI establishes the "AI Disaster Prevention Team"He has become a formidable rival to both JD.com and Alibaba.中共中央 全国人大常委会 国务院 全国政协讣告 李克强同志逝世The three giants are fiercely competing in cloud computing, with Microsoft rebounding and leading ahead of Amazon and Google.新股前瞻|业绩 “变脸” 被 A 股投资者冷落的龙蟠科技还想上港股 “淘金”?False bull market and artificial intelligence deceive the market. Two fund managers warn: the collapse of the US stock market is imminent!国信证券:印度股市为何长牛?What AI progress has been revealed in Amazon's Q3 earnings report?Deutsche Bank: America is getting older, but is it good news for US stocks?马斯克𝕏一周年成绩单来了!亚马逊 CEO:生成式 AI 未来几年将为 AWS 带来数百亿美元营收极兔上市:段永平朋友圈,合造东南亚千亿快递巨头新冠药彻底凉了!辉瑞认栽,将启动全球裁员“最低价” 引爆双 11 第一场混战:买贵必赔,怎么赔?锂价跌跌,锂王也难顶周期的力量 | 见智研究苹果中国销量降 10%Q3 economic growth exceeds expectations? Even Americans themselves are not optimistic about Q4.个人养老金账户 “空户” 难题待解:个人养老金实缴人数仅占开户数三成王毅同美国国务卿布林肯举行首日会谈极兔速递今日港交所挂牌上市,发行价 12 港元/股,股价盘初几无变动Google and Meta's earnings reports exceeded expectations but still faced selling pressure. Are investors overreacting?阿里 42 亿美元成立企业管理公司,同日成立 3 家新公司极兔 IPO:东南亚投资终于有了成功样本英伟达进军 CPU!意味着什么?The market value of the Nasdaq has evaporated by approximately $800 billion in two days! When will the sell-off of technology stocks end?超 250 亿元腾讯股票被存入 CCASS,什么信号?