OpenAI 联合创始人 Sam Altman:十年内可能就有非常强大的 AI 系统,我们要立刻做好准备One of Wall Street's most pessimistic analysts admits defeat: the bear market is officially over!充电板块因通用接入特斯拉充电网络消息集体下跌 分析师:市场或反应过度Goldman Sachs ups year-end S&P 500 price target to 4,500If everyone is bearish on the market, why is the P/E ratio of the S&P 500 still at 20 times?The Swiss government helped clear the way, and as early as next Monday, UBS will complete its historic acquisition of Credit Suisse.Crackdown on shared accounts has an immediate effect, Netflix's new subscriptions soar.Tesla continues to rise, up for 11 consecutive days! What happened?苏姿丰欲战英伟达 “AI 王座”,执掌九年 AMD 如何咸鱼翻身?2023 Beijing Intelligence Conference: An AI brainpower feast not to be missed, these big shots are all here!科技股再挺美股走高,纳指势将七周连涨,特斯拉十一连阳,AI 股大涨NIO-SW Call: Breakeven time will be postponed by about a year, and price adjustments will not be made by reducing configurations.Model replacement pains continue, when will NIO-SW's performance "recover"? | Jianzhi Research外资开始回流?港股若反弹首选互联网AI 概念股存在泡沫?更大的上涨还在后面!美股盘前 | 特斯拉大涨近 5%,小鹏涨近 4%!蔚来预计 6 月交付 1 万-1.2 万辆,科技股 8 周来首次出现资金外流恒生指数公布港币人民币双柜台上市公司指数处理方法财报来了 | 蔚来盘前大跌 5%!营收不及预期,亏损同比增超 200%,毛利率跌至 1.5%特斯拉一个月涨 40%!Cybertruck 要放大招?易纲:预计二季度 GDP 同比增速会比较高,CPI 下半年有望逐步回升易纲:继续精准有力实施稳健的货币政策,加强逆周期调节,全力支持实体经济中国大模型的最早推行者黄铁军:全球可能只需要三个大模型生态科技股领涨,标普结束 1948 年以来最长熊市美股三大指数全面脱离熊市,下一步怎么走?深度学习三巨头之一 Yann LeCun:大语言模型带不来 AGI方星海:中国不会脱钩,中国的态度是主动挂钩美股期权 | 特斯拉、苹果 Call 成交活跃,蔚来、Affirm 期权放大两倍,Adobe 期权成交激增三倍Meta Platforms All-Staff Meeting: Integrating AI into the Metaverse and its Products, Apple AR Lacks "Magical Solutions"光伏头部企业集体大扩产!以战去战,以杀去杀?特斯拉低调 10 连涨,背后自动驾驶催化不断,华为余承东也有表态China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: YoY growth of 60.2% in sales of new energy vehicles in May.日经 225 指数势将连涨九周 创逾五年来最长连涨记录下周前瞻 | 美联储利率决议,美国 5 月 CPI、PPI,巨星传奇等两只港股上市香港财政司司长陈茂波:香港要建设更蓬勃的离岸人民币生态圈港股异动 | 惠陶集团涨超 11% 近一月累涨逾 400% 此前宣布拟于香港开发有关快速消费品销售业务Urging independent directors and asset management to "pressure" management, Japan continues to exert efforts on "daily special estimates" and says there is still much work to be done on "pulling valuations".人工智能法纳入立法计划背后:专家建议划定红线,设置负面清单回购潮来了!腾讯、友邦年内回购金额均超百亿 港股将迎来第二波反弹行情?李家超:将会积极推动人民币证券在香港的发行和交易击败特斯拉!梅赛德斯 - 奔驰率先拿下加州自动驾驶许可证摩根大通:下调内地三大航空股目标价 继续观察到正面基本面动力Adobe 将推出带有版权保证的生成式 AI 订阅服务马斯克嘲讽苹果 AR 头显:花 3500 美元买它,不如花 20 美元买包致幻蘑菇