Amazon is still the "best creative"! JPMorgan: Amazon is the focusAfter the Fed stops raising interest rates, will the US stock market rise? Not necessarily!又有两家投行跟进!花旗野村也上调中国经济增速The volatility of the US stock market has decreased! S&P 500 index encountered resistance at 4200 points.Big Moves | Female Stock God Calls Tesla $2500! Can KUAISHOU-W Rise Another 75%? Netflix Faces "Bargaining"谁说 5 月是最后加息?最激进野村:6 月再次加息可能性增加Pre-market US stocks | "Female Stock God" in technology stocks increases holdings in Tesla, OpenAI's daily operating costs may reach $700,000互联互通交易日历优化下周正式实施五月将至!科技股买家要小心了!"Software-defined car" is popular, these concept stocks you need to know!一图看懂 | 腾讯 “抛弃” 快手前:投资 9 年,收益翻倍!US Stock Options | Tesla, NIO-SW, and Rivian options trading volume doubles, Apple and Nvidia Put options are active, and AT&T options trading volume nearly quadruples.产业资本加速布局 港股回购增持大潮再起周鸿祎内部信:360 员工不会被 GPT 淘汰,鼓励使用 GPT 拿绩效Next Week Preview | Microsoft, Amazon, Meta Platforms, BYD Financial Reports, Is Hong Kong's Biggest IPO Coming in 2023?阿里等不了优酷了分歧当前,国内外买方机构怎么看港股和美股?港股何时反弹?当下美股最热门交易:做多大型科技股掐起来了!微软将推特移除广告平台,马斯克反击:小心我起诉你 “滥用推特数据”美将限制对华高科技投资?市场人士:实质影响不大又一个车企巨头要停产燃油车了沃尔玛、Wayfair 迎来挑战!英格卡集团拟斥资 22 亿美元在美新开宜家商场Tesla's "sales first, profits later" strategy reliable? Wall Street is arguing!郭明錤:预计苹果 (AAPL) M3 芯片在下半年量产分析师称 ChatGPT 每日运维成本达 70 万美元ChatGPT 新逆天功能曝光!GPT-4 迎来 AGI 历史性时刻!无惧大跌,“木头姐” 力挺特斯拉:未来四年会涨超 1000%!不 care 降价伤人伤己!马斯克孤注一掷:全自动驾驶成特斯拉下一个利润增长点美联储下周进入噤声期,各官员本周透露了什么信号?新加坡股市 20 日报:美团 5 倍做空权证遭抛售,5 倍做多权证被大量买入TENCENT, KUAISHOU-W, MEITUAN-W! Why did the top stream fund buy Hong Kong Internet stocks in the first quarter?日媒:专家调查发现 AI 聊天软件 ChatGPT 会生成电脑病毒银行业好消息?美联储资产负债表连续缩水四周,投资者从货币基金抽资创两年新高零售也撑不住了?美国全食超市拟开启裁员美股散户开始抛售科技股,抢入这个银行股只给外国人发冰淇淋?宝马道歉了!中信:重仓消费和制造的公募调仓 TMT 明显赛道 Hyper | 13 Ultra 国产 2K 屏折射小米豹变Longbridge Breakfast | Alphabet-C merges Deepmind and Alphabet-C brain, Meta Platforms' market value surpasses Tesla againSpaceX rocket explosion illustrates Elon Musk's 'successful failure' formula扎克伯格:Meta 将放缓招聘,不排除未来进一步裁员