腾讯市值冲向 4 万亿美股期指涨跌不一,欧股下挫,小鹏汽车跌超 5%,京东跌超 4%US Stock Options | Across the board cooling down! FFIE, AMC, GME, Tesla, Nvidia all experienced a sharp drop in trading volume!Today's Important News Review | Dolphin ResearchNVIDIA will set off a "big wave" this week, and Bank of America will teach investors how to hedge volatilityIs the pressure too high for HBM? Samsung replaces chip chiefGoldman Sachs: Where are investors' biggest opportunities when the Fed cuts interest rates?司美格鲁肽 “升级版” 来了!礼来替尔泊肽注射液在华获批Ctrip: Seizing the overseas market and inbound and outbound tourismUnderstanding the Market | SMIC falls more than 3% as wafer price war continues, Morgan Stanley lowers company's full-year gross margin assumptionNot just financial reports, will NVIDIA "split shares" this time?Tencent may invest in the dark side of the moon, continuing to compete with Alibaba for the title of "AI's top gold owner"Rumors of Ethereum ETF approval boost Bitcoin to break $70,000, leading to a rise in all digital currencies快讯:港股三大指数低开低走 科网股、汽车股集体下挫就投资月之暗面传闻,腾讯不予置评How much impact does the financial report have? The options market bets that Nvidia's stock price will fluctuate by more than 10%!Understanding the market | XPeng Motors-W fell more than 7% and will release first-quarter performance after hours, with multiple price cuts since the beginning of this yearCtrip: Traveling "Hi" overseas, but afraid of feeling lonely at the top“寡姐” 斯嘉丽指控 OpenAI:ChatGPT 山寨我的声音Why Is MultiMetaVerse (MMV) Stock Up 105% Today?历史、当下与未来:关于 AI 叙事的几点策略思考Understanding the Market | Li Auto-W opens more than 14% lower, with first-quarter net profit falling by over 30% and second-quarter delivery guidance below expectationsApple competes with Microsoft! Microsoft fully upgrades AI PC: Copilot integrated into Win11, software and hardware work togetherWindows on ARM!微软重塑 AI PC理想的纯电 SUV,为什么改在明年发布了?"Qualcomm + Arm" VS M3, Microsoft is very confident: This time, we are really stronger than Apple!何小鹏回应与小米竞争:汽车行业是长期竞争 短期销量没价值理想汽车公布 2024 Q1 财报 营收 256 亿 研发投入 30 亿苹果换购计划升级:旧 iPhone 回收价上涨 优惠至 6 月 3 日美《生物安全法》持续推进后,中国医药外包公司开始调整在美业务一季度的对冲基金在投资什么科技股?一篇文帮你总结Bitcoin briefly returned above $70,000, boosting stocks related to cryptocurrenciesAnalysis of Stock Holdings through Stock Connect | May 21stExposed to lay off thousands of people, second-quarter guidance lower than expected, is Li Auto in its "darkest moment"?Breakfast | Wall Street's big short sellers turn their backs, Microsoft launches Copilot+PCZoomQ1 performance is mixed, profit guidance falls short of expectationsSmart Connect Hong Kong Stock Connect Fund Flow Statistics (T+2) | May 21Lenovo + Microsoft + Qualcomm launch the next generation AI PC: Igniting the creativity of creators collectively蹭流量挖主播 京东淘宝 “6·18” 硬刚CMB Securities: Marginal improvement in the first quarter performance of consumer electronics companies, focusing on GPT-4o and Apple AI terminal innovationNasdaq rebounded, Nvidia rose 2.5%, Morgan Stanley dragged down Dow Jones, Li Auto fell nearly 13% after earnings, and gold and copper hit new historical highs微软推出基于 OpenAI 的 GPT-4o 的新型 Copilot+PC5 月 20 日美股成交额前 20:摩根大通跌 4.5%,CEO 戴蒙暗示提前退休外盘头条:两位美联储理事认为利率将维持在较高水平 特斯拉内部混乱 摩根大通 CEO 表示接班人计划顺利进行Dell launches new AI computer with Qualcomm chips, Nvidia: Collaboration with Dell is key to expanding AIU.S. Stock Market Update | New Energy Vehicle Stocks Decline, Tesla Falls Over 1.6%公告精选 (港股)︱理想汽车-W 一季度营收 256 亿元 同比增长 36.4%李斌打出 “逆命牌”