You can also afford to "Feidi" nowRating Quick Look | Tesla, Asml target prices slashed significantly! Intel receives positive outlookTesla shareholders to vote on $56B pay package for Elon Musk (again)Groq CEO's latest interview: Deploying 1.5 million LPUs by the end of next year, dominating half of the world's inference demand雷军:我不是高考状元,没有考过 700 分,人生低谷里也没有冰冷的 40 亿US Stock Options | Tesla puts are being bought like crazy! Nvidia, AMD, TSMC trading volume surges!Top 10 HK Stock Losers (4.18)Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.18)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (4.18)台积电回应定价策略:客户会分担更高成本,长期毛利率仍可望达 53% 以上中国央行:未来货币政策还有空间美日韩发布三国财长会议联合声明,承认日韩对近期本币贬值的 “严重担忧”台积电下修全球晶圆代工成长预测Iron Lady "cleanses" XPeng after美国通胀居高不下的 “三大支柱”:房价、保险和能源Is the depreciation of the Japanese Yen a good thing for Japanese stocks? 152 is the watershedAnother unicorn will IPO tonight, with revenue increasing by 50% and a valuation of $2.67 billionNight Trading | TSMC surged 5.7% at one point, driving the semiconductor sector higherExperts warn: US stocks are about to "reset", with a potential 50% drop in the next year波士顿动力发布新一代 Atlas 机器人——模仿人类,然后超越人类Is AI all about Indians? India has become the "world's service factory"Overnight surged by 140%, short interest also surged! What happened to INVO?Financial Report Preview | TSMC Stable? March Revenue Surges by 34.4%Understanding the Market | Non-life Insurance Stocks Lead the Morning Rise, Regulatory Guidance to Reduce Debt Costs, Asset Side Expected to See Marginal Improvement4 月底港交所上架现货比特币 ETF,对行业影响有多大?牛市情景下,英伟达股价明年有望升破 1500 美元?!ASML caught fire, global chip stocks affected?"AIGC First Stock" failed to shine on debut"The Brightest Star" in the US Market: VIXBitcoin once fell below $60,000! Risk appetite sharply declined on the eve of the "halving", and the cryptocurrency circle encountered a wave of sellingBreakfast | S&P and Nasdaq fell for the fourth consecutive day, Microsoft plans to stockpile 1.8 million AI chipsEvercore: US stock market crash has just begun, bear market will continue until 2024Chip stocks drag down US stocks, with the Nasdaq falling more than 1%. After disappointing earnings, Asml plunges 7%, Bitcoin briefly falls below the $60,000 mark, and gold drops from record highs半导体概念股普遍收跌,Arm 跌约 12%,英伟达跌约 3.9%,阿斯麦跌超 7%The earnings season reveals the dilemma of the US banking industry: With a 0.01% interest rate, American depositors are fleeing in drovesTop 10 US Stock Gainers (4.17)Top 10 US Stock Losers (4.17)Top 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.17)Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>100M) (4.17)Bitcoin fell by 4%, breaking below the $60,000 markLIVE MARKETS-S&P 500 falls 4-straight days, back down to flirt with 5,000美银调查:基金经理的股票配置已经达到 2022 年 1 月以来最高点欧股 “十一罗汉”|阿斯麦一季报发布后收跌约 6.7%,陷入技术回调区间