美股年底反弹预期升温 美银推荐这两只油气股香港股市明年有望迎来资金回流,并带来中双位数回报 -- 瑞银高盛:“壮丽七姊妹” 2023 年撑起美股,2024 年有望继续领跑* 中金下调京东目标价至 40 美元 第四季收入利润仍有压力习近平:中美关系的大门一旦打开,就不会再被关上大摩经济学家:美元将在 2024 年初保持强势 美联储将于明年年中开始降息一个月以下港元拆息全线下跌 隔夜息连跌四天报 4.32%中美将优化签证申请流程习近平:首先要回答的是,中美到底是对手,还是伙伴王毅:这次会晤形成了面向未来的 “旧金山愿景”美国 IPO 市场持续疲软,华尔街 “一切都看 2024 年了”习拜会谈了什么?重点总结来了!大摩展望 2024 年:投资机会遍布全球 投资者仍需精挑细选杰富瑞上调腾讯目标价至 478 港元 评级买入小米汽车真容曝光深蹲两季度的小鹏,终迎起跳时刻 | 见智研究* 花旗:腾讯追求可持续高质素成长 目标价轻微上调* 美银证券上调腾讯目标价至 472 元 上季业绩胜预期清仓通用汽车、宝洁、强生,股神大幅减持美国蓝筹股,还做了一个 “神秘投资”英伟达、特斯拉们明年为何仍有望跑赢大市?PPI cooling boosts US stocks, Chinese concept index rises strongly by about 3%, US bond yields rise more than 10 basis points intraday.Cisco's guidance for this quarter is far below expectations, and it has lowered its full-year guidance. After the market closed, its stock fell more than 10%. | Earnings ReportTencent Conference Call: Mini-program transaction volume reaches 1.5 trillion, double-digit growth in enterprise service revenue, high inventory of high-performance chips.Sell Nvidia! Soros comrade Druckenmiller leads, Soros Fund clears its position.Microsoft, a partner and a new opponent! Microsoft launches its first AI chip and establishes new partnerships with AMD and NVIDIA.京东电话会:三季度商家数量达到最高水平,低客单价的订单增长加速中美数据给力,全球市场开启 “狂欢模式”Tencent's Q3 net profit increased by 39% YoY, with a rebound in the gaming business and record-high advertising revenue. | Earnings ReportWhy did Alibaba Pictures face a sell-off of funds on the eve of the merger with Damai?半年前 “做空” 巨亏后,“大空头” 最新动作:重仓中概,加码做空美国芯片股、包括英伟达The effectiveness of price reduction strategy has reached its peak. Can Cybertruck reorganize Tesla's sales? See Zhitong App's research.Unexpected leak! Google "bleeds" as Apple deducts 36% to remain Safari's default search engine.腾讯第三季度净利润 362 亿元人民币,市场预估 323.8 亿元人民币小米汽车公示:北汽越野代工 两款车型分别采用弗迪电池和宁德时代电池Tech giant Jingshun shows a strong preference for Amazon in Q3, investing heavily and increasing its holdings in Adobe.OpenAI's "Next Big Thing": NVIDIA's Most Powerful Chip B100, OpenAI's Most Powerful Model GPT-5What's going on? OpenAI temporarily suspends new ChatGPT Plus subscriptions.HBM,大战再起美图为何大跌 10%?送外卖、搞团购、上直播,快手抢了美团的饭碗?The struggle of hypermarkets: Gaoxin Retail suffers losses as it gets caught in the battle of membership stores.国联证券葛小波:过去是补短板,未来主要是 “筑长板”