英伟达进军 CPU!意味着什么?The market value of the Nasdaq has evaporated by approximately $800 billion in two days! When will the sell-off of technology stocks end?李克强同志逝世超 250 亿元腾讯股票被存入 CCASS,什么信号?Amazon warns of weak consumer spending, Q3 cloud growth slower than competitors, stock falls after-hours despite 5% initial increase | Earnings ReportIntel's Q3 results and outlook for the next quarter are positive, with a strong after-hours surge of 8% despite the lack of growth in server chips.亚马逊将公布财报 | 财报见闻Intense price wars have taken a toll on luxury carmaker Mercedes-Benz, as its revenue and profits have declined, leading to a significant drop in its stock price. | Insights from the Earnings ReportAre the turbulent times for the US stock market just beginning as the financial reports of tech giants disappoint?Real estate developers have finally seen a glimmer of hope.公募三季报重仓股出炉:药明康德、招商银行、山西汾酒重回前十High interest rates suppress car consumption! Following Tesla, Porsche also issues a loud warning."New Stock Performance" - Extreme Rabbit Express-W opens at a low of 4.2% in the pre-market and is trading at 11.5 yuan.大摩:维持小鹏汽车 “增持” 评级 15 日内有 70% 至 80% 机率会上升Confirmed monopoly? Court documents reveal how Google curbs Apple's search ambitions.OpenAI's "dilemma," Microsoft's "shrewdness," and a classic move worthy of being "written into textbooks."Meta and Google have reported outstanding performance, but why is the market not buying it?谷歌隔夜为何暴跌?华尔街眼里只有 AI腾讯:已有超过 180 个业务接入腾讯混元大模型特斯拉为什么三天蒸发一万亿?Hong Kong Electric has announced that the fuel surcharge for November will be reduced to HKD 0.489 per kilowatt-hour, a monthly decrease of 10.8%.The "demand winter" for electric vehicles has arrived, and Wall Street is shouting to escape quickly.Meta Q3 Conference Call: AI is a top priority for 2024, revenue outlook uncertain for next year耀才证券:減印花稅對港股沒憧憬Google's post-earnings plunge is reminiscent of Tesla's misfortune. It turns out that overvaluation is to blame!Apple's multiple online services have seen a significant price increase. It is rumored that they will release a new model of AirPods next year.AMD 回应 “中国区大幅裁员”:网络传闻失实,系小幅度优化重组Goldman Sachs: US government may shut down for 2-3 weeks in November.After fourteen years, there will be a change in leadership at Morgan Stanley! Ted Pick will be appointed as the new CEO, while James Gorman will step down.There is hope that the six-week-long strike will come to an end! Ford Motor Company is reportedly close to reaching an agreement with the union, which may result in an actual salary increase of 30%.福特与美国汽车工人联合会据悉就结束罢工达成初步协议Zero Run Motors plans to issue subscription shares to Stellantis and establish a joint venture company to expand its international layout.Strong advertising, cost reduction is effective, but Meta's warning of a huge loss in the metaverse! Meta's stock soared after hours and then fell | Earnings Report InsightsThe Nasdaq plummeted 2.4%, marking its worst performance in eight months. Google's stock fell over 9%, its worst in three and a half years. Meanwhile, long-term bond yields surged more than 10 basis points.Following in the footsteps of Netflix, Apple TV+ is raising its prices. It is set to release new high-end and affordable versions of AirPods next year.The demand for electric vehicles in the United States is cooling down! General Motors and Honda's plan to produce a $30,000 affordable electric vehicle has also been abandoned.Liu Qiangdong faces a challenging autumnUS stock index futures show mixed movements, with Google's pre-market drop exceeding 6%. US bond yields are once again on the rise.Tech Giants AI Battle: Microsoft Leads, Google Slows Down"Super Mergers and Acquisitions" in the oil industry are happening frequently, but is the "twilight of old energy" still far away?Amidst a chorus of bearish voices, the "50 cent" trader takes a bold bet on the "surge of the Japanese yen".Big models are rolling out so fast that even OpenAI is struggling with the "pricing" issue.拼多多旗下 Temu 单季度 GMV 猛增至 50 亿美金,或超额完成年度目标香港证券及期货专业总会:建议进一步下调甚至废除港股股票印花税Not only the Federal Reserve, but also the central banks of the United Kingdom and the United States are losing control over interest rates.