Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.6)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (3.6)国内半导体盛会即将开幕,行业也有望迎来加速复苏潘功胜:目前我国银行业存款准备金率平均在 7%,后续仍然有降准空间Demand explosion! NVIDIA chips out of stock (Morgan Stanley TMT Conference Chinese version)鲍威尔周三国会听证,市场最关注什么?百万美元不是梦!凯西·伍德预测 2030 年比特币或破 150 万美元全球最强模型 Claude 3 惊现自我意识?害怕被删除权重,高呼「别杀我」,马斯克称人类也是文件NVIDIA's CFO mentioned that the AI infrastructure market is expected to reach $20 trillion, highlighting that NVIDIA is not just a hardware company.OpenAI 高管联名回击:马斯克曾支持公司盈利 要求并入特斯拉获得控制权QQ 测试 AI 聊天搭子 腾讯字节再战 AI 社交Breaking doubts! CrowdStrike's performance explodes, "AI + cybersecurity" may become a revenue weapon.欧盟称计划开始对中国电动汽车进行海关登记 此举为 “反补贴调查” 的一部分中资券商股集体拉升 中金公司涨超 4% 海通证券涨超 2%Apple's stock price decline, Buffett's reduction in holdings raises doubts, can AI and new technologies turn the tide?Hong Kong Stock Market Update: UBTECH ROBOTICS soared nearly 57% in the afternoon, with a total market value surpassing HKD 70 billion at one point. Institutions reported that the progress of the Walker S function exceeded expectations.COUNTRY GARDEN is entering a critical two-year period.Tesla's "destroy if can't get"? OpenAI publicly responds, exposing screenshots of email exchanges with executives over 8 years.理解市场 | 如何看待特斯拉暴跌?“只是回到合理水平,这都怪马斯克!”阿里领投 Minimax 6 亿美元融资,5 家大模型独角兽集齐了这一 “终极能源” 或能解 AI 能耗之困?Alibaba has resumed internal job transfers, while the listing of Alibaba Cloud has been temporarily postponed.After Bitcoin took a roller coaster ride, Lianbo claims that mining stocks like Riot have a more attractive beta value.鲍威尔即将赴国会山 “走钢丝” 市场期待更重磅的降息线索Selling Apple Stock Would Be A 'Historically Wrong Move,' Says Wedbush's Dan Ives: 'We View This As A Buying Opportunity'Weight loss concept stocks are performing strongly! LAEKNA-B surged by over 18%.首个主权基金进驻?新加坡淡马锡拟投资 OpenAI南向资金连续 14 天净买入! 港股高股息或仍是较好的底仓产品BYD has launched its third electric vehicle in India, with a starting price of nearly $50,000.The survival strategy of Vipshops' "small and beautiful" | Insight ResearchHong Kong Stock Market Update: JDW surged over 4% in early trading. The company is set to release its earnings after hours. Citigroup believes that the performance may exceed both the market and the bank's expectations.Legendary investor Shilling warns: High probability of economic recession, US stocks may plummet by 30%.理解市场 | 科技 “七姐妹” 崩跌!只是正常回调吗?For the first time in history, gold has reached $2,100! The price of gold is driven by a dual catalyst of the Federal Reserve's policy shift and geopolitical risks.蔚来亏损 211 亿:放弃幻想,过紧日子早餐 | 郭明錤料英伟达市值将超苹果,Meta 大范围宕机创新高后没站稳!比特币一度下跌 10%Tech stocks dragged down the market, with the Nasdaq falling more than 2% at one point. NVIDIA narrowly hit a new high, NIO-SW saw a big turnaround during trading, and Bitcoin plummeted nearly $10,000 after reaching a historic high.Top 10 US Stock Gainers (3.5)Top 10 US Stock Losers (3.5)诚心下聘!银行理财子又开始 “招兵买马” 了