* 国泰君安料阿里-SW 受 CMR 和线下业务影响 上季业绩承压Hong Kong Stock Market Update | XPENG-W Falls Over 6%, Leading the Decline in Auto Stocks达沃斯论坛 2024 年年会今日启幕,WEF 陈黎明:中国经济长期向好基本面没变FOMC 今年票委:今年夏季后再考虑降息!CITIC SEC: Investment Risks and Opportunities in 2024 Based on the Performance of US and Chinese Technology Stocks in the Past 10 Years亚市早盘:亚洲股市小幅走高NVIDIA's hot start in 2024, will it make another 19% surge this year?马斯克 SpaceX 公司年度演讲全文!Stronger and stronger! JPMorgan Chase, while achieving its strongest annual profit in history, remains committed to investing in the technology sector.As the year begins with a 12% decline, everyone is selling Tesla, but "Wood Sister" is bucking the trend and buying at the bottom.电池双雄迎来决战时刻,比亚迪何时超越宁德时代?Breakfast | ARK increases its holdings in Tesla against the market, Alibaba's subsidiary Ele.me denies rumors of "acquisition talks with ByteDance"字节仍在洽购饿了么申万宏源:“哑铃型” 策略的本质After analyzing the inflation data in Europe and the United States, Goldman Sachs concluded that central banks should start easing monetary policy.理想汽车:今年底门店将达八百家,销售目标 80 万辆After the failed acquisition of Huaping, we successfully secured the second largest global infrastructure private equity fund with a value of 12.5 billion US dollars. This marks the most significant transformation in the past 15 years for the world's largest asset management company.PPI boosts expectations of interest rate cuts, US bonds surge, disappointing earnings reports lead to a decline in the Dow, Bitcoin "bungee jumps" on the second day of ETF listing, and gold sees a dramatic turnaround in a week.比特币期货周五跌超 6%,专家称抛售 Grayscale 比特币信托拖累比特币价格,以太坊期货本周累计涨幅收窄至不足 12%Tech stocks' earnings reports withstand pressure, India's key stock index hits a new all-time highAnother institution is bearish on the iPhone! Hedgeye: Apple's stock price may fall by 30%Bitcoin falls to $43,000, spot Bitcoin ETF and blockchain concept stocks plummet.The axe has fallen! Citigroup to lay off 20,000 employees.Global investors flock to stocks and bonds in Q4, BlackRock's AUM returns to $10 trillion布油涨至 80 美元上方,“空袭” 后多家油轮在红海转向,供给恐慌加剧15 万买个 “理想的家”Lei Jun no longer wears jeans at press conferencesSustainable Column | Climate Issues Defeated? Tesla's Largest Customer Returns to Combustion VehiclesETF 兴奋褪去 比特币因获利回吐下跌Pre-market trading in US stocks | Tesla and WeWork lead the decline! Wall Street's major banks' earnings reports are coming tonight.Northbound Capital | Northbound Capital's net purchase of 1.468 billion yuan, high dividend stocks are in demand again, automobile stocks receive additional positions比特币 ETF 终获批 Coinbase 等币圈巨头股价 “坐上火箭”?Rating Quick Look | BABA-SWR, MEITUAN target prices both lowered! What happened?阿里巴巴再出售 310 万股快狗打车股份,持股比例降至 6.79%谷歌千人被裁引硅谷裁员潮!27 家公司宣布裁员,90% 大厂码农工作遭 AI 冲击The most knowledgeable Apple analyst: Apple Vision Pro is expected to have a stock of 60,000 to 80,000 units before pre-sales. Only when it is "sold out" can it meet expectations.Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (01.12) | Hang Seng Index fell by 0.35%, shipping stocks rose against the trend, and automotive stocks remained under pressure throughout the day.Why has the target price of BABA-SWR been frequently lowered recently?US Stock Options | BABA-SWR trading volume falls back, Tesla surges to over 2.3 million contracts! AbbVie calls skyrocket overnight.全文来了!当比尔·盖茨对话奥特曼Hong Kong Stock Market News | GOGOX drops over 9% during trading, Alibaba reduces its holdings four times.理解市场 | 美股还能飙升 12%?