美团也想出海中东?Bitcoin miner Marathon Digital CEO: Plans to pursue more acquisitions美股狂欢还能持续多久?Race to Hyper | AI PC: LENOVO GROUP takes the lead in seizing the first opportunity从中国到世界,低收入人群是拼多多的基本盘?Consumer spending remains gloomy, Wall Street downgrades profit expectations for non-essential consumer goods sector in the US stock market.RMB, Chinese concept stocks, Chinese assets collectively explode!In just two short weeks, "Powell's turn"! What does the Federal Reserve know that the market doesn't know?高途隔夜暴涨近 30%通用 Cruise 宣布裁员 24%The US stock market has risen for six consecutive days, with the Dow Jones hitting a new all-time high. However, the excitement of the dovish turn has cooled down, and there was a temporary decline. The European and British central banks have suppressed expectations of interest rate cuts, leading to a stronger euro and pound.Market expectations too high? US stocks lose momentum, three major indices briefly turn negative碳酸锂价格跌破 10 万元/吨背后亚马逊为何不打价格战?中国两大前首富抱团取暖估值 170 亿元!这里发现大型金矿Alphabet-C releases MusicFX, an AI tool for music creation: Generate a song with just one sentence耐克入驻拼多多?官方回应:信息不实东方甄选 “大瓜”:董宇辉若提前离职,期权将全部归零“私募魔女” 李蓓:中国股市将迎来类似美国 50 年代的大牛市!Hong Kong Stock Market Update: SINOHOPE TECH surges over 8% as expectations of a Fed rate cut rise, Bitcoin reaches $43,000.China's "Four Little Dragons" in the global market are closing in on Amazon's ranking美联储货币政策重心的重大转变Among the few "price-weighted" indices, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has taken the lead in reaching a new high, with Microsoft being the driving force behind it!The Federal Reserve adopts a dovish stance, Apple hits a new high, aiming to become the first $4 trillion company in history?A staggering return rate of 55%! "Sister Wood" takes a gamble and far outperforms the market with these US stocksWeak performance guidance, AI driving force gone? "AI star" Adobe plunges after hours全网首发!谷歌 Gemini 多模态接口开放!DataLearnerAI 第一时间测试 Gemini Pro 多模态能力,比想象惊喜!美联储转向,降息提前?中金:还有变数!Apple, the company that remains the "most valuable" in the world! Apple's stock price hits a new high, with a market value exceeding $3 trillion.为什么 “美股七巨头” 明年可能继续领涨?前 11 个月贷款增量超去年全年美联储如期按兵不动,暗示明年或降息 75 个基点(附声明全文)Powell turns "dovish" and acknowledges that inflation is declining给市场送圣诞大礼?美联储意外放鸽 维持关键利率不变 预计明年至少降息三次一文看全鲍威尔 12 月新闻发布会全要点美联储官员预计 2025 年将再降息四次The Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates by 75 basis points next year, causing a rise in US stocks, US bonds, and gold, while the US dollar takes a dive.Goldman Sachs warns again: Regardless of how the stock market performs next week, CTA will sell S&P 500 futures.Continued cooling! US core PPI in November slowed down to 2%, exceeding expectations and reaching a new low in nearly 3 years.需求大爆炸!甲骨文 CEO 坦言无法满足大客户:“马斯克想要更多英伟达芯片!”Liu Qiangdong has not yet turned against his brothers.The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are here this week to prove us wrong.SINOHOPE TECH issues profit warning, expecting a net loss of no less than approximately HKD 280 million for the year.Copper, which used to have sufficient supply, suddenly started to become scarce?The heavyweight "Triple Witching Day" in the US stock market is here! A record-breaking $5 trillion options are about to make a decision.新增 ADC 全军覆没!1 类新药成功率 92%,续约基本原价,罕见病药破新高,直击 2023 药价谈判成绩单发布