Another internet giant has retired.KK 集团,一家潮玩零售商,与大摩合作,继续向港股市场发起冲击。Another major deal in the US oil industry! Chevron has agreed to acquire Hess for $53 billion.第一届链博会要来了!特斯拉、宁德时代确定参展,苹果也在潜在名单?用 GPT-4 训练机器人!英伟达最新 Agent 开源:任务越复杂越拿手Earnings Report Preview | Will a 35% increase in stock price this year help Intel continue to rebound in Q3 performance?Embracing Electrification: Media Reports Toyota is Close to Mass Production of Solid-State Batteries舍命狂奔三年,极兔速递等待上市 “输血”Earnings Report Preview | Search advertising business rebounds, Alphabet's revenue growth is expected to return to double digits.从一到多:ESG 与企业价值Just had a short meeting, and the IPO window for US stocks has closed again.Earnings reports from US tech giants are bombarding us! It's a crucial moment that determines global risk appetite.王传福卸任比亚迪锂电池董事长Earnings Report Preview | General Motors and Ford's Earnings Reports are Coming! The Impact of Strikes will soon be revealed.Refuting the "GLP-1 bear market theory"! RBC argues that the market's panic over food and beverage stocks is excessive.Tesla's "unfavorable start", is the tech giant's earnings report meeting a "disaster day" for the US stock market?巴以对比俄乌:大类资产怎么走金融圈"爆了"!招行 90 后员工获 “雨果奖”!美国汽车工人联盟向底特律车厂施压,要求提高待遇并威胁更多罢工中信证券:静待美国长端利率走弱华尔街 “大空头” 转多:关键指标被触发,是时候 “反向买入” 了The most resilient sector in the US stock market: Energy stocksStarting from January 8th next year, Nike Greater China will implement a 4-day work week, with 4 working days and 3 rest days.Did the US stock market and US corporate bonds exceed their "breaking point" this time? They couldn't escape the "interest rate shock".AppleGPT! Apple is expected to integrate generative AI into iPhone and iPad as early as next year.苹果 CEO 库克:超 95% 产品仍在中国制造组装,希望与国内供应链共赢下周前瞻 | 微软、谷歌、亚马逊财报来袭!Microsoft CEO Nadella's Annual Letter: Seizing Opportunities to Fully Develop Artificial Intelligence!Musk xAI's first research findings are released! Co-first authors Yang Ge and Yao Ban, both founding members and alumni.Only 4 franchise stores in 2 months, is Heytea's expansion "cooling down"? | Insight ResearchTesla has experienced two consecutive days of sharp declines, and a prominent analyst from Morgan Stanley has issued a warning: the entire electric vehicle industry should be on alert.Double Oscar-winning actors star in Apple's first blockbuster film, created with a huge investment!Tmall unveils new killer move for Double 11万科郁亮:房地产市场会产生向上修复的力量万科张海:客户已成为最宝贵的资源Barclays: The Federal Reserve may raise interest rates by 25 basis points again in December.Star fund manager Qiu Dongrong's third quarter report is out! He is aggressively buying Xiaopeng Motors and focusing on these three investment directions for the future.特斯拉 Model Y 在加拿大降价After the dismal drop on earnings report day, what is the usual trajectory for Tesla?OpenAI 终于 Open 一回:DALL-E 3 论文公布、上线 ChatGPT,作者一半是华人HSBC Hong Kong has completed offline payment testing for its "Digital Hong Kong Dollar" pilot program.Hong Kong dollar interbank rates have seen a significant increase across the board, with one-month rates halting their two consecutive declines.With interest rates at 5%, can the "Seven Sisters" still support the US stock market?Thrive 正以 800 亿美元估值购买 OpenAI 股份,OpenAI 内部认为它们可能成为一种操作系统Elon Musk said he would postpone building the factory? Mexico is in a hurry: it will increase investment.Not just Netflix! All major streaming platforms have raised their prices this year.Double Eleven is coming! Why do we have high expectations for Kuaishou?The major strike in the US automotive industry may be coming to an end!Hong Kong Stock Market News | Country Garden surges over 7% as founder and chairman of the board are currently working normally in China.