Guo Mingchi: Huawei's smartphone shipments are expected to reach at least 60 million units in 2024, with Qualcomm being the main loser.Included in the Hong Kong Stock Connect for three days, the market value has increased by over 7 billion. Can Zhenjiu Lidu welcome a valuation reconstruction?腾讯混元大模型正式亮相After meeting with Tesla executives, Deutsche Bank concluded that the delivery volume and profit margin in the third quarter may be disappointing.ChatGPT-5 is online? OpenAI will host its first Developer Conference on November 6th.郭明錤:高通受华为麒麟芯片冲击影响最甚,或采取降价Bespoke 投资集团:美国衰退可能在明年 6 月发生媒体:香港铜锣湾商舖租金较高峰期剧降 95%Can Apple replicate the success of its Chinese factories in India?Software sales boost Game Station's Q2 revenue, exceeding expectations, but long-term prospects remain bleak.Worries about the Federal Reserve raising interest rates caused the Nasdaq to drop 1%, while Apple and Nvidia both saw a 3% decline. Additionally, oil prices continued to rise, reaching their highest level in nearly ten months.Former hawkish Fed member Brad: Should not abandon the plan to raise interest rates once more this year.The moment of truth for Apple has arrived: iPhone 15 Pro may see a price increase of up to $100.李强在第 26 次东盟与中日韩领导人会议上的讲话 (全文)Tesla Warning: Global Factory Shutdown to Cause Decline in Third Quarter Production and Deliveries汇率再迎 “索罗斯” 时刻Tesla "Snipes" Xiaomi's Car ManufacturingArm Holdings IPO: SoftBank’s Chip Maker Could Go Public As Soon As Next Week瑞银拆了比亚迪 “海豹”,成本比特斯拉还低 15%,感叹 “颠覆全球车企的力量”港股内房股狂飙,中国恒大涨近 83%,房地产午后拉升,芯片全线走强,游戏、传媒领跌乘联会:新能源车市场仍将全面加速AMD 苏姿丰:AI 客户参与度持续升温 将继续投资中国市场促进股票市场流动性专责小组据报今天下午开会 或讨论放宽上市门槛政策底后市场的演绎路径蚂蚁链将发布新 Web3 品牌,面向中国香港及海外市场提供技术方案存量按揭利率调整的三个关键问题证监会初步形成 “1+N+X” 政策框架 正抓紧制定投资端改革行动方案金山办公与阿里云达成战略合作腾讯 AI 聊天机器人明日公布:官方展示写文案能力,有望命名 “混元大模型”Munich Auto Show: The "Red Carpet Moment" for Global Automotive "New Nobility"Will the US dollar continue to rise? Tonight's data is crucial.AMD 苏姿丰:数据中心业务下半年非常强劲腾讯混元大模型或于明日发布滴滴租车和一嗨租车达成合作新加坡股市 5 日报:美团 5 倍做多权证遭遇抛售英美经济数据频频大幅修改背后 究竟在隐藏什么?软银旗下 Arm 与苹果公司合作关系延长至 2040 年后微信刷掌支付登陆广东便利店,全国零售行业首发上线Unfazed by BMW and Mercedes showcasing their "killer moves" in electric vehicles, Tesla's stock price staged a strong rebound, surging over 5% during trading hours.Open up a new battlefield for AI! Qualcomm bets on in-car AI, supplies BMW and Mercedes-Benz, and collaborates with Amazon Web Services to develop vehicle software.This year's largest IPO reveals more details: ARM plans to raise up to $4.87 billion, with major investors including NVIDIA, Apple, Google, and others.Gas prices set to skyrocket again? Australian LNG Union: Comprehensive strike to begin in mid-September