User community reaches a record high. KUAISHOU-W achieved adjusted profit of 2.736 billion yuan in the first half of the year, turning losses into gains compared to the same period last year.快手第二季度营收 277.4 亿元人民币,预估 272.9 亿元人民币MNSO may have made the right move in going overseas.叶军:钉钉完成智能化再造,已有 17 条产品线和 55 个场景接入大模型起底 “减肥神药”:一个 “副作用” 造就的传奇Is Vipshop quietly making big money?财报 2023|华润的白酒战争:一个地狱难度的开局"Dumping US Treasury Bonds to Protect Exchange Rates"? "Currency Defense Battle" Ignites the "Anchor of Pricing for Major Asset Classes"? JPMorgan Chase: Not Happening!SINO LAND's subsidiary, Capella III, received over 1,350 bookings and took advantage of the momentum to release an additional 108 units yesterday.《中国好声音》争议持续,港股星空华文盘中跌超 10%港股高开低走,恒科指涨 0.65%,金融、汽车走强,小鹏汽车涨逾 3%Deciding whether "high interest rates" will continue? Market hotly debates the focus: Should the Federal Reserve raise its inflation target?新加坡股市 21 日报:新加坡电信成交量狂飙The market is betting on what? On the eve of the "key conference," US bond yields skyrocketed! On the eve of the "key earnings report," Nvidia and Tesla surged!* 大摩下调拼多多目标价至 110 美元 评级「增持」US Brokerage Giant Announces Massive Layoffs! Charles Schwab Spares No Expense, Spending $500 MillionZOOM's second-quarter performance exceeded expectations, leading to an upward revision of its full-year performance guidance. After the market closed, the stock briefly rose by nearly 10%. | Earnings Report InsightsSkyrocketing! US Treasury yields continue to rise, with the 10-year rate reaching 4.339%.US 30-year mortgage rates rise to 7.48%, reaching the highest level in nearly 23 years.Unfazed by the continuous decline of the S&P 500 index, Goldman Sachs claims that investors still have room to further increase their stock holdings.This year, the largest IPO in the US stock market is coming with the help of AI. Arm, a subsidiary of SoftBank, has applied for listing.Strategist who accurately predicted the upward trend of US stocks in the first half of the year: Don't buy on every dip, but don't expect a major decline.无惧 10 年期美债收益率十五年最高,纳指收涨 1.6%,小鹏汽车涨近 10% 领跑中概Further contraction of consumer finance business! Goldman Sachs plans to "cut" one of the current CEO's achievementsA 30% Increase in One Week! Wall Street Increases Bets on NVIDIA Ahead of Earnings Report, Target Price Soars道指盘初转跌近 200 点,纳指涨 1% 后涨幅砍半,小鹏汽车引领中概指数走高Today, the "Giant" IPO plan may shock the world! Will he eventually "rule the world"?NH HEALTH clarifies short-selling doubts: The mystery of sales volume being several times lower than shipment volume is directly addressed.“市场系” 投资总监升任高管,这家头部券商资管又有人事变动Hang Seng Index opened lower by more than 1%, with real estate and major financials declining. SOHO China dropped more than 6%.英国计划斥资 1 亿英镑购入数千颗 AI 芯片,已与英伟达进入谈判后期MEITUAN-W's food delivery platform KeeTa will extend its service to Wong Tai Sin District starting from Thursday."Local Property Market: Two phases of 'Proximity Sea Station' in Youtang have accumulated sales of 832 units, with a total cash-out of over 5.36 billion yuan."* 中金料 22 只股份符合沪港通纳入条件 包括大家乐及香格里拉 (亚洲) 等曾生:净资产收益率与杜邦分析 2Hong Kong Dollar Interest Rates Fall Across the Board, Dipping Below 5% in Three Months to Reach a New Low in Over Two Months.耗时 2 年,Meta 联手 CMU 打造最强” 通用机器人智能体 “!《好声音》崩塌,星空华文的雷早已埋下当下内地房地产还有哪些政策储备?效果会如何?