Singapore Exchange Says Derivatives Traded Volume Was Steady Year-On-Year In July腾讯游戏有了「中年危机」Who caused the major drop in the US stock market in August? Goldman Sachs: "Zero-day options", UBS: I agree!张勇:我的第 36 次财报会,也是作为阿里董事长兼 CEO 的最后一次AI market is on fire? NVIDIA may sell 550,000 H100 GPUs this year.TENCENT Q2 Conference Call: E-commerce Empowers Douyin's Advertising Revenue, Exclusive Infrastructure Large-scale Model May Upgrade in the Second Half of This YearAfter China announced export controls, the price of gallium has risen by over 50% since early July.JD-SWR conference call: The hundred billion subsidy has a significant boost effect on low-frequency users. The most important KPIs for the second half of the year are GMV, profit, and cash flow.国务院总理李强:要着力扩大国内需求,继续拓展扩消费、促投资政策空间,提振大宗消费京东集团第二季度净营收 2,879.3 亿元人民币,同比增加 7.6%,预估 2,791.4 亿元人民币SINO-OCEAN SERV has been given a chance to "resurrect".European Champions League: Whether the future adjustment of stock stamp duty depends on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government腾讯第二季度净利润 262 亿元人民币,预估 323.4 亿元人民币,去年同期为 186.19 亿元。腾讯二季度营收、净利润均低于市场预期中国首富的最强对手?怡宝筹划港股上市腾讯音乐:成长的烦恼On the eve of Alibaba Cloud's listing, DingTalk "takes off" independently.TENCENT Q2 Earnings Outlook: Video Accounts Expected to Boost Advertising Business, Gaming Business May Experience Seasonal Decline | Earnings Report穆迪:中国 2023 年底将取代日本成全球最大汽车出口国阿里云推出 AI 视频生成工具 支持单图生成数字人视频马斯克表示:下周将在 X 上直播 FSD V12Highest 70,000! "Price Butcher" Tesla keeps lowering pricesOn the first day of listing, the market value exceeded that of the three major American car manufacturers! The dreams of Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting have been realized by this Vietnamese man.Falling into a $29,000 predicament! Bitcoin price drops to the lowest volatility level in years.CK ASSET's Oceanfront Station I has released an additional 50 units, and it is not ruled out that all units will be fully pushed.摩根大通:台积电 CoWoS 产能明年底前或翻至每月 2.8 万至 3 万片美国夏威夷毛伊岛大火已造成至少 101 人死亡July 70 City Housing Prices: Decline in Second-hand Housing Prices Widens, Rise in First and Second-tier New Housing Prices Falls, Chengdu Continues to Lead新加坡股市 15 日报:市场活跃度上升,多只个股成交激增电商链的诺基亚时刻香港电视高开超 13% 近日与华人文化订立融资协议The acquisition case of the American Steel Company has far-reaching implications and may shake the foundation of the American manufacturing industry.Robotaxi fully opened up for a day, and San Francisco experienced its first large-scale "network delay congestion".降息之后,可能还有降准、降息OpenAI 宣布将 GPT-4 引入内容审核系统,减少人工参与Nvidia 股价周二一度飙升逾 3%,券商在其发布财报前纷纷上调目标股价A Mixed Bag in the Agricultural Market: Corn Hits a New Low Since 2020, Argentina Restricts Beef Exports for 15 Days美股齐跌超 1%,银行股指跌约 3%,中概指数跌 2%,美元美债收益率反弹One day completes six months of work! OpenAI reveals GPT-4's new feature: content moderation.