Top Chinese Game Developers' Overseas Revenue Ranking in July: miHoYo and TENCENT Still Secure the Top Two Spots媒体称 OpenAI 可能破产?郭明錤:无需担心新加坡股市 11 日报:云顶新加坡成交狂飙,价格涨 3.8%《焦点》鸽派还是鹰派?美联储官员的货币政策倾向一览表Earnings season is coming to an end, and the performance of the US stock market is lukewarm. With high valuations, it may be difficult to be optimistic about the future.中金:美国经济为何迟迟没 “衰退”?七月信贷数据会触发降准或降息吗?With two "potential drug kings" in hand, Eli Lilly aims to become the first trillion-dollar pharmaceutical company!比锂电池成本降 30%!储能技术谁是未来?做储能赚钱么?Goldman Sachs: The Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates this year and will cut rates in the second quarter of next year.特斯拉 Model Y 降价国泰君安:关注恒生科技指数以及互联网零售等板块香港真的开始 “七折卖房” 了?The Danger Signals of US Tech Stocks: Some AI leaders, including NVIDIA, have already adjusted by 10%.The "Danger Signals" Behind the Increased Volatility in the US Stock MarketFaraday Future Completed All Relevant Processes Ahead of the First FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance Delivery Ceremony特斯拉的涨与降马斯克为什么对字母 X“情有独钟”?After a year! Energy stocks in the United States rise again.碧桂园就要召开债权人会议了又一波新能源车降价潮来袭?至少 10 家汽车品牌官宣降价促销7 月金融数据出炉 释放什么信号?专家解读苹果 A17 仿生处理器跑分曝光:单核成绩相较 A16 提升高达 31%截至 6 月底香港注册成立基金管理资产规模达 1.3 万亿港元GPT-5 要来了?参数或达 10 万亿!入职 13 年,特斯拉 “财务大脑” 为何离职?Goldman: There Has Been A Material Shift In Market Dynamics And SentimentApple’s Upcoming A17 Bionic Bulldozes The A16 Bionic In New Benchmark Leak; Up To 31 Percent Faster In Single-Core, Multi-Core Results货币信贷投放并非越多越好 7 月金融数据应该怎么看China's Country Garden: to suspend trading of its 11 onshore bonds from MondayThe wind direction has changed again? Inflation concerns are gaining the upper hand, and US stocks have fallen for two consecutive weeks!NVIDIA, with a staggering 180% surge in value this year and a price-to-earnings ratio exceeding 210, is it too expensive?热搜!盒马、山姆,“开战”!【In-depth Interview】Chen Tianqi: A Card Runs Large Models, iPhone Runs 70B, Overcoming NVIDIA's GPU Computing Power Dilemma亚马逊或成为 ARM IPO 锚定投资者 瞄准 1.3 万亿美元 AI 市场This key interest rate in the United States is approaching a "historic breakthrough".亚马逊开始提供无额外包装送货Morgan Stanley Q2 Holdings: Continued Increase in Technology Stocks, Reduction in SPDR S&P 500 Bearish Index ETF (PUT)The scale of the Fed's balance sheet reduction is expected to exceed $1 trillion this month, but the real test lies ahead.Tesla and Zuckerberg's duel will take place in Italy's "epic location." Netizens: The Colosseum in Rome, right?CHINA JINMAO Profit Warning: Shareholders' attributable net profit for the first half of the year is expected to decrease by approximately 80% YoY.The US stock market is in turmoil. What should we focus on right now?TSMC's July revenue increased by 13.6% MoM, reaching a new high in nearly six months.US PPI beats expectations, US bond yields rise, US stock futures decline央行主管《金融时报》:7 月贷款增速总体平稳、边际下降,但金融对实体经济的支持力度不减Pre-market US stocks | Chinese internet stocks plummet across the board, tonight's focus on US July PPI, JPMorgan Chase raises Alibaba's target price to $150.Big Bank Quick Look | Alibaba's target price raised after earnings! Nvidia's stock price weakness is a good buying opportunity!