早餐 | 美国市场疑投机情绪浓厚,微软目标是到 2030 财年营收翻倍三星大力发展芯片代工业务:挑战台积电数据传经济利好,科技股带头美股反弹,中概高涨跑赢大盘,蔚来涨超 11%英伟达 H100 霸榜权威 AI 性能测试 11 分钟搞定基于 GPT-3 的大模型训练Wall Street's Ice and Fire: UBS is preparing to cut more than half of Credit Suisse's staff, while Citadel interns earn nearly $20,000 a month.黄仁勋:英伟达的 AI 算力,已经「1 折」出售Tech Giants' "Calculations": AI Industry Needs "Regulation" but Sets Its Own Rules洪灏:美国市场投机情绪很浓,下行可能性非常大大行速睇 | 阿里评级、目标价均遭大幅下调!百度、B 站都还能涨 50%?AI 股,还能涨?这次轮到亚马逊:有望再涨 20%!OpenAI's strategy has changed? Reports suggest that Altman wants OpenAI to become a "super assistant" and directly compete with Microsoft and other downstream software.Hong Kong stocks rebound! Hang Seng Index stops five consecutive declines, Heng Seng Technology rises more than 2.5%, real estate stocks lead the gains, and Hopewell Holdings rises nearly 20%.李强出席 2023 年夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式并致辞中金:当前财富管理市场的痛点所在与可能选项华尔街唯一仍看好科技股的大多头:FAAMG 们,下半年还能再涨 15%!ChatGPT 访问量下降?真相可能是它Goldman Sachs Bear Wilson: US stock risks have never been higher华尔街多空博弈白热化! 多头豪言科技股还能涨 15% 空方坚信回调即将到来道指已经六连跌!但这次为何没有那么糟糕?鲍威尔 “放鹰” 后,大摩预计美联储 7 月加息 25 基点AI Reference Template? Adobe Addresses Customer Concerns Over Firefly AI Feature and Will Cover Copyright Compensation LossesIndustry giants compete fiercely in the VR market: Meta VR, Apple MR, Microsoft hesitates, Alphabet-C withdraws.警惕:港股买入信号尚未到来,美股高估值或很难持续!从特斯拉到阿里!华尔街集体大幅下调评级,科技股不灵了?亚马逊云科技将在美俄亥俄州再投资近 78 亿美元,扩大数据中心业务恒生科技涨逾 2.5%,云计算、地产走强,金山云涨逾 6%,合景泰富涨近 9%百度 CTO 王海峰:新增插件机制,文心一言将逐步向开发者开放插件生态Open Pandora's Box? Alphabet-C is developing "the most powerful model in human history", and executives confirm that it will have the ability of "self-planning".小米澄清小米汽车 14.99 万人币起售为假消息华尔街 “集中开火”,特斯拉带头跳水,美国科技股全线下挫美股周五上演 “大戏”?摩根大通近 160 亿美元基金将重置期权头寸On average, a 24.2% reduction in weight over 48 weeks! Lilly's new drug sets an amazing record.早餐 | 大摩警告美股大幅回调风险很高,特斯拉评级连遭 “狙击”又 “攻下一城”!美国华盛顿州计划强制推行特斯拉充电接口标准周大福拟以 9.15 港元每股收购新创建剩余股份瑞银下调 Alphabet 股票评级:华尔街对科技大盘股热情消退互联网券商 Robinhood 宣布将裁减全职员工:因市场需求放缓Washington state plans to mandate Tesla's charging plug -officialTechnology stocks hit the US stock market, with the NASDAQ Composite Index falling more than 1% after a sharp drop last week, and Tesla falling more than 6%.In the weight loss drug competition, Pfizer suddenly stumbled! The development of a weight loss drug was halted due to safety issues, causing a nearly 6% drop in stock prices during trading.Amid dissatisfaction among executives over the upgrade, a friend of Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon will join the board of directors.Tesla drops 5%! Another Wall Street major bank downgrades its rating within two weeks, this time it's Goldman Sachs.上周大跌后未恢复元气,纳指反弹艰难,但芯片股逆市走高JD.com's senior management undergoes major changes包括 OpenAI,这是美国最火的十家 AI 创业公司,他们在做这些事大行速睇 | 阿里云决策独立性获看好!特斯拉评级遭下调,目标价又获大幅提升!