传阿斯利康考虑分拆中国业务 或在 A 股或港股上市GLOBAL MARKETS-Asian stocks off to a slow start, eyeing China stimulus, Powell testimonies今日起人民币可直接购买港股 港交所正式推出 “港币 - 人民币双柜台模式”早餐 | 中美外长会谈结束,腾讯阿里等港股可用人民币购买持续 5 个半小时!中美外长举行建设性会谈,双方同意保持高层交往联发科回应与谷歌合作生产 AI 服务器芯片传闻传特斯拉为 Model S 和 Model X 提供约 8000 美元折扣以提升季末销售福特汽车执行董事长:美国还不能在电动汽车方面与中国竞争--CNN 采访李强抵达柏林举行第七轮中德政府磋商并对德国进行正式访问微软亚洲研究院回应撤离中国传言:不属实Wall St Week Ahead-Investor skepticism turns to optimism as U.S. stock rally rolls on民生牟一凌:大类资产的全面右侧行情已经不远"Most aggressive rate hike cycle in 40 years" seems like it never happened! US stocks have rebounded and the US dollar has also fallen.Sustainable Column | Polestar Automotive UK's Exploration of Sustainability中信证券:政策不会缺席 博弈仍将持续中信建投陈果:年内最佳机会逐步展开中为何宏观交易成为市场主线?"Jumping on the GPT bandwagon" is unstoppable! Mercedes-Benz and LI AUTO-W have released their models successively, and General Motors and NIO-SW are not far behind. Has a new competition for large models begun?美国务卿布林肯今早抵达北京,开启两天的访华行程Next Week Preview | Fed Chair Testimony, HKEX Launches "Dual Counter" Model, China's June 1-Year/5-Year LPR特斯拉,在中国要有 “兄弟” 了Within a week, Tesla was sold twice. Is Mu Tou selling while promoting it?马斯克:接近实现完全自动驾驶,这是特斯拉市值的主要驱动力阿里大分拆后首考:淘宝天猫是进攻还是防守巴菲特会买入特斯拉吗?Rabbit Watch HKEX: Ranked first in Southeast Asia, team from OPPO, revenue of nearly 100 billion in the past 3 years, operating losses of 3.6 billion US dollars, largest customer of PDD.AI Copyright "Milestone" Agreement: Alphabet-C negotiates with OpenAI media organizations to pay for training content.What's behind the twists and turns of Gree's acquisition of Panasonic's microwave ovens?"Space computing" implies "eye-tracking + brain-machine technology", Apple's Vision Pro hardcore defines "iPhone moment".COUNTRY GARDEN's Secret Support Helps "Emperor of Part-Time Jobs" Return爱旭高调推出 ABC 组件,但赢 TOPCon 不能只靠 “颜值”| 见智研究Apple's black technology in Vision Pro, China is about to occupy the technological high ground!英媒:美光向其中国工厂再投资 43 亿元,宣称 “致力于发展中国市场”After Tesla's long consecutive gains, Wall Street's confidence remains unchanged: the highlight moment of analogizing "Amazon Cloud" and "Apple Services" has arrived.Accurate prediction of the current round of US stock market surge by Goldman Sachs trader: It's time to take a break.超级央行周高涨收官!标普势创两月最佳周表现,纳指连涨八周Fear of missing out, chasing up! The global stock market hit a new high in more than a year, but some analysts "poured cold water": a big rise was followed by a big fall...Adobe's financial report shines, is AI software on the eve of an explosion?提升港股流动性?“双柜台” 模式的短期影响不可高估特斯拉清 Model 3 库存之际,如何利用期权保护短期利润?英伟达、特斯拉是 AI 概念股,通用汽车呢?美股盘前 | 中概互联集体走高,科技基金获两年来最强资金流入,英特尔拟投资 46 亿美元建厂大行速睇 | 台积电目标价获上调!高瓴爱股百济神州、快手还能涨 50%?甲骨文 AI 战略浮现,将被视为云计算公司?美股科技股太疯狂!尤其是万亿英伟达……离 3 万亿大关又近了!苹果的估值真的高了吗?