香港财政司司长陈茂波:香港要建设更蓬勃的离岸人民币生态圈港股异动 | 惠陶集团涨超 11% 近一月累涨逾 400% 此前宣布拟于香港开发有关快速消费品销售业务Urging independent directors and asset management to "pressure" management, Japan continues to exert efforts on "daily special estimates" and says there is still much work to be done on "pulling valuations".人工智能法纳入立法计划背后:专家建议划定红线,设置负面清单回购潮来了!腾讯、友邦年内回购金额均超百亿 港股将迎来第二波反弹行情?李家超:将会积极推动人民币证券在香港的发行和交易击败特斯拉!梅赛德斯 - 奔驰率先拿下加州自动驾驶许可证摩根大通:下调内地三大航空股目标价 继续观察到正面基本面动力Adobe 将推出带有版权保证的生成式 AI 订阅服务马斯克嘲讽苹果 AR 头显:花 3500 美元买它,不如花 20 美元买包致幻蘑菇邦吉接近敲定与 Viterra 合并,交易价值超 300 亿美元标普 500 指数前五大权重股的变化许正宇:港股市场将推出人民币柜台中金:下调周大福目标价至 17.27 港元 业绩不及预期货币政策终于要转向了?标普 500 指数进入技术性牛市图森未来成为中国首批获得完全无人驾驶测试许可的企业之一Tesla's "Ten Consecutive Rises"! This time it's a short essay on "Cybertruck"美国掀起疯狂的建晶圆厂热潮特斯拉连涨十天,马斯克身价达 2202 亿美元,时隔半年重回福布斯富豪榜首OpenAI founder and chief scientist share the stage: The most exciting thing about OpenAI is happening! (with Chinese video + full text)早餐 | 标普 500 指数涨进牛市,特斯拉十连涨,赵长鹏回应 “币安转移 120 亿美元资金” 传闻周大福将放缓门店扩张以提振利润国有大行定存利率再次集体下调 六大行定存利率进入 “2” 时代加拿大创企 Cohere 融资 2.7 亿美元,甲骨文英伟达参投Carvana 股价暴涨 56%,空头一夜损失 4 亿美元,今年累计损失超 10 亿新加坡成立 AI Verify 基金会,以通过合作制定国际人工智能标准就业市场传降温信号,美债跃升,科技股反弹,特斯拉十日连涨,原油盘中闪崩行踪难觅,美国证券交易委员会寻求其他方式向币安赵长鹏送达文件New York has the worst air quality in the world, and Tesla's cutting-edge air filtration system shinesSEC Chairman: Haven't seen such non-compliance in the currency circle in 40 years! Coinbase: Bring it on!BYD's Wang Chuanfu: The automotive industry has entered the elimination round, and the industry's window of opportunity is only 3-5 years.Fire the CEO, cancel the conference call! Former "retail investors group stock" GME collapsed.Oriental Selection becomes popular in the past year.Lucid 进军中国市场,还会建厂?腾讯、网易们更多新游开测,看好行业 EPS 攀升Apple and Android's new battlefield? Report: Samsung, Alphabet-C, and Qualcomm are developing MR devices that will be launched as early as this year.Volvo really wants a hit product.科技股 “七巨头” 飙升!市值达标普 500 的 27.4%存款降息后关注 LPR,加拿大央行将再加息,Druckenmiller 称会持有英伟达两三年或更久——宏观脱水 0608Strengthening support for car purchase incentives! Ministry of Commerce organizes car consumption promotion activities.Domestic Top 5 AI Startups, Who is China's Open AI?Hang Seng Index closed higher today, led by the petrochemical sector, while the real estate sector also saw gains. rose over 5%.美股盘前 | 苹果大降 Vision Pro 销售目标,TikTok 寻求扩大全球电商业务,携程一季报远超预期