2023.06.08 11:04
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Strengthening support for car purchase incentives! Ministry of Commerce organizes car consumption promotion activities.

Strengthening the support for car purchase incentives through activities: enhancing funding and venue support for activities, coordinating and promoting targeted policies and measures to support car consumption by local governments and enterprises, fully leveraging the role of local fiscal funds, and encouraging financial institutions to introduce automotive credit and financial support measures.

After Thursday's closing, new measures to promote consumption were introduced.

According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce on June 8th, the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce issued a notice on organizing automobile consumption promotion activities. The notice clearly states that in order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, further stabilize and expand automobile consumption, and in accordance with the "2023 Consumption Boosting Year" activity arrangement, the Ministry of Commerce will organize automobile consumption promotion activities.

The notice clearly states that the theme of the event is "Enjoyment for All, Benefits for All", and the event will be held from June to December 2023.

The notice focuses on two activity arrangements:

First, the "Hundred Cities Linkage" Auto Festival. The event strengthens support for car purchase preferential policies. Strengthening activity funds, venues and other guarantees, coordinating and promoting local governments, enterprises and other targeted policy measures to support automobile consumption, fully leveraging local financial funds, and encouraging financial institutions to introduce automobile credit and financial support measures.

Second, the "Thousand Counties and Ten Thousand Towns" New Energy Vehicle Consumption Season. Including holding a series of consumption season activities, promoting the sale of suitable models to rural areas, promoting the sinking of after-sales service networks, and promoting the improvement of rural charging infrastructure.

In the current context, relevant departments have successively stated that they will extend the purchase tax for new energy vehicles and promote automobile consumption activities, which all reflect that promoting automobile consumption is an important focus of stabilizing growth.

The following is the original text of the notice

Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce on Organizing Automobile Consumption Promotion Activities

Shang Ban Xiao Fei Han [2023] No. 367

Departments in charge of commerce in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities with independent planning status, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the China Automobile Circulation Association:

In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, further stabilize and expand automobile consumption, and in accordance with the "2023 Consumption Boosting Year" activity arrangement, the Ministry of Commerce will organize automobile consumption promotion activities. The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

  1. Event theme

Enjoyment for All, Benefits for All

  1. Event time

June to December 2023

  1. Organization method

In conjunction with the work arrangement of "2023 Consumption Boosting Year", coordinate the "Hundred Cities Linkage" Auto Festival and the "Thousand Counties and Ten Thousand Towns" New Energy Vehicle Consumption Season activities. Give full play to the role of local governments, enterprises, and industry associations, respond to the diversified car purchase needs of urban and rural residents, open up the entire chain, connect all channels, and connect online and offline, organize more than 100 cities nationwide to coordinate and link up, promote more than 1,000 counties (districts) to participate, drive tens of thousands of towns (townships) to share benefits, create a good atmosphere, promote automobile consumption, and benefit the general public.

  1. Activity arrangement

(1) "Hundred Cities Linkage" Auto Festival.

1. Establish a list of key activities for "Hundred Cities Linkage". Each region will deploy automobile consumption promotion activities, and recommend 3-5 candidate cities for "Hundred Cities Linkage" and their key automobile consumption promotion activity arrangements. The Ministry of Commerce will select about 100 cities with distinctive features and complementary advantages to form a list of key activities for "Hundred Cities Linkage". 2. Focus on the entire chain to promote car consumption. Each region should give full play to the role of driving by a hundred cities, focusing on new car sales, used car transactions, scrapping and renewal, trade-in for "new" (new energy vehicles), and the automotive aftermarket. Create a series of car sales and exhibition activities tailored to local conditions, continuously "drive incremental growth, activate stock, and drive related industries", and promote car consumption throughout the entire chain and process.

3. Strengthen support for car purchase preferential policies. Strengthen the guarantee of activity funds, venues, etc., coordinate and promote local governments and enterprises to introduce targeted policies and measures to support car consumption, give full play to the role of local financial funds, and encourage financial institutions to introduce car credit and financial support measures.

(II) "Thousand Counties and Ten Thousand Towns" New Energy Vehicle Consumption Season.

1. Hold a series of consumption season activities. The Ministry of Commerce will organize the launching ceremony of the "Thousand Counties and Ten Thousand Towns" New Energy Vehicle Consumption Season in the near future, and guide various regions to carry out various forms of new energy vehicle promotion and consumption activities covering more than one thousand counties and more than ten thousand towns across the country, such as "big tent cars" entering rural areas, and set off a wave of promoting new energy vehicle consumption with coverage of counties and towns and various highlights.

2. Promote the sales of appropriate models in rural areas. Encourage companies to promote new energy cargo micro-vans, micro-cars, light trucks and other models with high cost performance and strong practicality in rural areas, further enriching the supply of new energy vehicles in rural areas.

3. Promote the sinking of after-sales service networks. Guide companies to further sink sales and maintenance service channels, strengthen the construction of mobile new energy vehicle maintenance stations, rural maintenance points, and training of rural maintenance technicians, and continuously improve the after-sales and maintenance service network for new energy vehicles in rural areas.

4. Promote the improvement of rural charging infrastructure. Actively coordinate and promote the improvement of the rural charging infrastructure system, rely on county and township commercial outlets, enterprises and institutions and other places, and reasonably promote the construction of centralized public charging piles and stations in rural areas. Actively coordinate with relevant departments to do a good job in guaranteeing the construction of rural charging piles, land use, and power grid support.

V. Relevant requirements

(I) Strengthen organizational guarantees. Each region should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen overall coordination, tighten and solidify responsibilities, actively deploy and promote various work, and ensure that they are implemented and effective. The China Automobile Dealers Association should organize relevant automobile companies to actively participate and promote preferential car purchase measures. Establish and improve the work contact mechanism, and the provincial-level commerce authorities should clarify the activity liaison officer.

(II) Strengthen publicity and popularization. Each region should make full use of various media and forces, and use multiple channels and levels to do a good job in news publicity for activities. Widely carry out expert interpretation, manufacturer recommendation, test drive and other promotional activities, popularize knowledge of new energy vehicles, and improve consumer recognition.

(III) Maintain fair competition. Each region should carry out automobile sales and new energy vehicle promotion and consumption activities on the basis of fairness, justice, and openness. For the support policies such as subsidies to be introduced, the commerce authorities of each region should actively cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in fair competition review, and ensure that relevant policy measures are generally applicable to all enterprises that meet the policy orientation. (IV) Summarize and Promote. Each region should carefully summarize the activities, sort out the highlights and best practices, and provide feedback on the effectiveness of the work in early October and after the end of the activities, respectively.

Office of the Ministry of Commerce

June 8, 2023