U.S. Stock Market Update | Bitcoin falls below $72,000 per coin, MicroStrategy drops over 4.8%贝莱德 IBIT 持仓已超比特币理论最大供应量的 1% 市值突破 160 亿美元续创新高港股多个指数进入技术性牛市!南向资金加码 “扫货”!Former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin putting together investors to buy TikTok, CNBC reportsThe "Creators" behind the chips usher in a brand new era! Wall Street senses the scent of a "bull market".美国前财长姆努钦:正在组建投资人团体,以尝试收购 TikTok大摩:下一个 AI 投资的三大主题英伟达再投 AI 制药!这家企业借助英伟达 Cambridge-1 开发"基因层面"的 GPTHSBC: Next year, China's four major e-commerce giants are eyeing a $500 billion overseas market | Going global series美银:“七巨头” 涨势和 AI 热潮显现出泡沫心态的典型征兆Account funds increased by 250 times! How did Qiu Yonghan achieve this?Pre-market in the US stock market: XPeng-W, JD lead the decline in Chinese concept stocks, only PDD rises! The market is focusing on tonight's US PPI.外资看财报「禾赛科技」:面临海外安全政策风险Discussion on WSB: Popular online brokerage Robinhood surged 11% in pre-market trading, with impressive data.Rating Quick Look: NVIDIA and Super Micro Computer's target prices have been significantly raised! Tesla suffers a drastic price cut.Fund managers are heavily invested in semiconductors, with NVIDIA holding up to 67% and AMD at 35%.Cainiao is doing great, HSBC predicts that BABA-SWR's overseas e-commerce GMV will exceed 110 billion in 2027, doubling in five years. This is part of the "Four Little Dragons Going Global" series.富途、老虎证券盘前大跌Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics on March 14th.Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.14)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (3.14)Top 10 HK Stock Losers (3.14)Besides NVIDIA getting cheaper as it rises, there are 25 others.前瞻 | 就在今晚,美联储三月决议前最后一个通胀数据!US Stock Options | Tesla's trading volume soared, put options went crazy! NVIDIA, Apple, BABA-SWR are hot.Is the sky the limit for Bitcoin? In the next three years, $220 billion in funds may flow into Bitcoin ETFs.美国国会众议院表决通过针对 TikTok 的法案,商务部回应HTSC: Why is Bitcoin reaching a new high? What changes should we pay attention to next?奥园保交楼再获强援The industry is bleak, sales are tough! The American electric vehicle startup Fisker is considering filing for bankruptcy, plummeting 40% after hours.腾讯收编字节跳动两个游戏工作室并成立新公司分析师预测英伟达 2026 年营收或超 1300 亿美元Analyst: Tesla's stock price has dropped almost to its limit, with a potential rebound of 77% in the coming year.黄峥的 AI 哲学:拼多多不跟大模型Meta 用 35 万个 H100,打造超级军火库网易宣布发射 “逆水寒” 卫星英伟达概念股 SoundHound 六天累涨超 70%!Microsoft's latest chatbot has arrived! Specializing in treating hacker attacks.After-hours trading | NVIDIA's held stocks are launching the second wave of attacks!南非将在月底前向 60 个加密货币平台发放许可证Hong Kong Stock Market Update: LESI GROUP surged over 8%, skyrocketing by 224% in the first 5 trading days after its listing.投行对两大电动车巨头出手!比亚迪目标价被上调 121%,特斯拉被下调 40%欧洲航空监管机构:必要时将撤销对波音生产认证的承认美知名组织 BIO 称正采取措施剔除药明康德会员资格 支持《生物安全法》Hong Kong Stock Market Update: Property stocks are on the rise, with CIFI HOLD GP leading the way with a surge of over 9%. Hangzhou has fully lifted restrictions on the purchase of second-hand homes.OpenAI CTO:Sora 计划年底对外发布,或增加音频和视频编辑功能The AI wave is driving the growth of super microcomputers, analysts predict strong revenue growth ahead.