Hong Kong Stock Market News | Tech stocks across the board plummet, Hengkong Index falls nearly 3%, strong non-farm data suppresses interest rate cut expectations.美国证券交易委员会能否为比特币 ETF 开绿灯 本周关键投票后见分晓港股异动 | BC 科技集团再跌超 10% 上海税务指个人通过网络买卖虚拟货币需要缴纳个人所得税Analysis Report | Is the "historic moment" of defeating the seven giants of the US stock market and the Nasdaq here?投资锦囊 | 如何下注反转行情?Analysis Report | Is even Netflix, known for "content is king," struggling?Apple's VR headset, Vision Pro, has been shipped to the distribution warehouse in the United States and the release date may be announced this week.Tesla's response to "drug use": No issues in three years of testing, The Wall Street Journal is not worthy of being used as toilet paper.Earnings season teams up with CPI! Can the US stock market recover its upward momentum this week?LINEKONG 计划以 126 万美元认购 EcoPowX 30.3% 的股权。Understanding the Market | The 12 Major Events that will Shape the Market in 2024, all in this TimelineBreakfast | Apple may release generative AI tools in June, NVIDIA will resume shipping "special edition" AI chips in ChinaUnderstanding the Market | Who Will Save the US Stock Market from a "Black Start" in the New Year?英伟达中国特供芯片遇冷:阿里、腾讯看不上降级版Before the strengthening of the US dollar, is there a golden opportunity for reserve requirement ratio cuts?CES 2024:“电子春晚”,开启十年硬件创新潮理解市场 | 就在 1 月中旬!市场将迎来关键拐点周六重要消息汇总美元十三年来最猛开局,市场猝不及防Merger of Two "EDA Giants"? Synopsys Close to Acquiring AnsysMarket Focus: SEC to Vote on Bitcoin Spot ETF Next Week美 SEC 下周将对比特币 ETF 进行投票,交易最早于获批下一工作日开始消息人士:贝莱德现货 ETF 上市首周或将有超过 20 亿美元的资金流入比特币 ETF 真要来了?发行方扫除了获得 SEC 批准的主要障碍Coinbase 正寻求一项关键收购以在欧盟推出加密衍生品ANTA SPORTS-R's global merger and acquisition is about to be completed: Amer Sports aims to reduce debt and target the New York Stock Exchange IPOThree negative news in one week! After being downgraded, Apple faces the threat of an antitrust lawsuit.Venturing into the gaming industry! Netflix considers strategic transformation to gain new profits from video games.A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S: All future vessels passing through the Red Sea will detour around the Cape of Good Hope.AI 裁员潮开始了:应用 GPT-4 不到一年,多邻国裁掉数千人Intense competition in the weight loss drug market: Novo Nordisk AS invests $1 billion in two US start-upsPre-market US stocks | NTES-S leads the decline of Chinese concept stocks! Market focuses on tonight's US non-farm payroll dataXPENG 又推出了一款热销车型。Rating Quick Look | Top Picks for Large-cap Chinese Stocks: Tencent, Alibaba-SWR, PDD are highly regarded!非农前瞻 | 美股美债 2024 开局不利!今夜数据会否 “雪上加霜”?理解市场 | 美股为什么可能还要继续调整?Short sellers in the US stock market suffered a massive loss of $195 billion last year! Regional banks have become profitable tools, while shorting Tesla has resulted in devastating losses.US Stock Options | QS, the "magic stock", sees a surge in trading volume! Tesla puts and Alibaba calls continue to be heavily speculated.非农前瞻 | 就在今晚!市场在赌非农超预期!孙媛媛:2024 年医疗器械出海会像 2020 年创新药出海一样火热Qualcomm CEO: Generative AI is entering smartphones "very, very quickly"Hong Kong Stock Market Update | Pharmaceutical stocks continue to decline, INNOVENT BIO falls more than 7%, global investment and financing in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector still lacks significant improvement."The biggest risk" in the market right now: Overheating of the US economy, stimulating the Federal Reserve!What happened to the "monster stock" Quantumscape, which saw a 43% surge in the US stock market?亚市午盘:亚股涨跌互现 交易员下调美联储降息预期解读公司 | 特斯拉 2024 年第一件大事来了!CES2024:AI、AI、MR!Is it a signal for Chinese concept stocks to hit bottom? Internet giants are aggressively repurchasing stocks.