老黄深夜炸场,世界最强 AI 芯片 H200 震撼发布!S&P and Nasdaq turned down, while Nvidia continued to rise for the ninth day in a row. Chinese concept stocks performed strongly, leading the way. The increase in US bond yields was erased during the trading session."The market is no longer booming!" The global electric vehicle industry has entered a "winter mode", with discounted sales to increase sales volume.NVIDIA launches new AI chip H200, performance soars, stock price expected to rise for the ninth consecutive time.TSMC sees a long-awaited surge! Is the semiconductor industry on the verge of a new dawn?US stock futures are down, while European stocks are generally up. Novo Nordisk rose 3% at one point, reaching a one-month high, and oil prices have seen a slight increase.Morgan Stanley: AI Ignites a "New Product Cycle" for Smartphones高盛:预计阿里、京东及拼多多 “双 11” GMV 分别同比增长 1%、3% 及 20%Fubon Wealth's Xu Qimin: Bullish on mobile gaming stocks in the short term, optimistic about A-share market in the medium and long term.Morgan Stanley's Global Market Outlook for 2024: Economic slowdown, monetary easing, and multiple challenges for the market.摩根士丹利看好美国资产 2024 年的表现Goldman Sachs significantly lowers the asking price for its holdings of Hong Kong office buildings.阿里、腾讯们财报前!市场反映了什么?未反映什么?2028 年人类将迎来 AGI:DeepMind 联合创始人长文预测未来 AI 发展日本大阪府部分居民血检异常 疑与水体受污染有关Home by the river: Hang Seng Index is waiting for the US stock market to provide guidance in the short term.小米 14 系列上市销售 10 天全渠道销量高达 144.74 万台"New Stock News" According to reports, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has requested Cainiao to supplement the materials for overseas issuance and listing filing.美股正在观望:年底行情会有吗?Zhitong Decision Reference | Hang Seng Index continues to decline, bearish momentum weakening印度考虑降低电动汽车关税以吸引特斯拉投资AI is set to become a revenue-generating tool, and Morgan Stanley is optimistic about Apple.高盛和摩根士丹利对美联储降息的预测有分歧 相差 125 个基点Goldman Sachs: Hedge funds' bearish positions on US financial stocks increased to a five-year high last week.“马化腾” 称用阿里云不如用腾讯云? 腾讯云回应:假的降准的概率明显上升First coverage, first bearish view! HSBC's heavyweight research report on TeslaThe Silent Majority: Without these 10 large-cap stocks, the US stock market's performance this year would be "zero growth".The end of the interest rate hike cycle, investors are starting to bet on large-cap technology stocks.Is this overseas "stock and bond rally" too strong and too fast? Without fundamental and technical support?Selling their own bank stocks, not only JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon among Wall Street executivesBlue-chip stocks plummet, is the rally in the Japanese stock market coming to an end?Amazon's new large-scale model, Olympus, is revealed! With 20 trillion parameters, it surpasses GPT-4 in an instant.中芯国际业绩说明会:中国有大量本土产能需求,特殊工艺收入占 60%Ideal has completely transcended the circle of new forces.加密货币借贷机构 Celsius Network 结束破产案微信支付与三大运营商实现条码支付互联互通特斯拉输了自己发起的价格战Compared to the H100, how does the performance of NVIDIA's AI chips specially designed for China, fare?智界 S7:华为智慧出行新战略Gross profit margin surpasses Tesla, LI AUTO-W faces a new turning point | Insight Research