JD.com makes a move towards instant retail.微软 Azure OpenAI 支持数据微调啦!可打造专属 ChatGPTWhat are the three hardest things to buy this year?港股现在最危险的是什么?A disheartened Musk, a plummeting Tesla, "In the storm, even the strongest ship can encounter troubles."美股已经出现可靠的买入信号?首次曝光!OpenAI 遭遇罕见挫折,中断开发新 AI 模型FACTBOX-Elon Musk on interest rates, uncertainty and Tesla's costs如何理解 “英伟达 + 鸿海”?黄仁勋也有 “造车梦”!Tesla's Q3 revenue and profits were both lower than expected, with operating profit margins falling to their lowest level since Q1 2021.AI giant OpenAI may seek to sell shares, with a valuation soaring to $86 billion.Tesla's Q3 gross margin continues to decline under the impact of price cuts, while increasing investment in AI, with the Cybertruck pickup truck becoming the focus. | Earnings Report InsightsNetflix Q3 earnings report exceeds expectations, announces price increases in the US, UK, and France, and surges more than 12% after hours.香港楼市可能适度 “减辣”!After-hours surge of 13%! How impressive is Netflix's Q3 earnings report?The shockwaves of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have arrived! Airlines are heavily impacted, oil prices surge, flights are suspended, and United Airlines plummets | Earnings Report大盘指数 “拼图” 来了!深圳 50 正式发布,易方达、富国火线上报 ETF 材料比亚迪业绩炸了,压力给到特斯拉外资看财报之高盛:将继续缩减商业地产敞口TikTok is going to fight a tough battle.Latest Key Risk in US Stocks: Beware of Escalation in Middle East Situation!不惧价格战,Q3 比亚迪销量、利润同创新高 | 见智研究Venture capital giant Marc Andreessen: Technology is the only source of growth中金:中美库存周期的错位与共振Morgan Stanley bear Wilson: US stocks to fall 10% by the end of the year, S&P to drop to 3900 points.再创新高比亚迪!为何不惧价格战?美银基金经理调查:美股走势已经显著脱离基本面未来五年,理想汽车为什么不可能再交出 “满分财报” 了?AI financing reaches a new high, but other technology sectors may enter a winter season.黄仁勋最新专访:万亿英伟达的 “离谱”,还能再续下去吗?Nvidia indicates that the tightening of chip restrictions in the United States may affect the development of some products and may require a shift in operations.East Selection "binds" fans with a 199 yuan offer | Insight Research爱旭股份宣布:力争九个月,ABC 成本追平 TOPCon!对冲基金在财报发布前大举买入金融股 -- 美国银行英伟达:美国出口管制规定可能影响产品开发General Motors delays production of electric trucks by one year, denies any connection to the automotive industry strike.What happened? NVIDIA plunged nearly 8% intraday, and the market value of US chip stocks evaporated by $73 billion at one point.Facing the challenge of ChatGPT, Google enters a wartime state to reshape its corporate culture.Li Yanhong returns to the center stage纳指跌 1.5% 后跌幅大为收窄,英伟达领跌科技股,欧美收益率再度跳涨European veteran private equity firm CVC is also planning to go public for fundraising. It just raised 200 billion in July.外资看财报之花旗:当前是衰退的最后一个季度美国银行 Q3 营收超预期增长,高盛营收、净利双降,但仍好于预期 | 财报见闻