Betting Big on NVIDIA! Over $100 billion in options, 60% bullish, and record high "short-term contracts" betting on stock price volatility.Xiaomi Steps Toward EV Goal With Regulatory Nod, Reuters ReportsThe "Big Trouble" of Commercial Real Estate: One-third of office desks worldwide are "empty" every working day.Hedge funds' love for NVIDIA: Tonight is destined to be crazy杰克逊霍尔全球央行年会倒计时!您准备好了吗?"The 'Anchor of Global Asset Pricing' Soars, Worries Mount over US Stock Earnings Prospects""Equities Are At Greater Risk Of Jackson Hole Shock Than Is Priced In": How One Bank Is Hedging This Week's Main Event2% vs 3%, should the Federal Reserve raise its inflation target? Analysts say this would "invite trouble"* 高盛下调融创服务目标价至 2.5 元 评级「沽售」Salesforce leads the investment! AI startup Hugging Face's latest round of financing is valued at over $4 billion.新加坡股市 22 日报:吉宝基础设施信托被大量抛售,成交量狂飙"OpenAI Rival" Cohere is now valued at approximately $3 billion. It is rumored that Tiger Global will sell a portion of its equity.美国银行业股价下跌,之前标普下调部分银行评级Key growth markets weaken, inventory concerns intensify, Nike stock hits longest consecutive decline since IPO.英伟达期权显示,交易员已做好财报公布后股价大幅波动的准备Nvidia fell after hitting a new intraday high, with bullish options being actively purchased ahead of the earnings report.受银行与零售股拖累,美股仅纳指涨,英伟达盘中新高后转跌,美元再涨"Tesla Vietnam" VinFast shares up about 170 percent, market value over $100 billion新华保险 “一把手” 更替,资管业元老李全 “功成身退”,Microsoft Blizzard makes another crucial concession! "Abandons" cloud gaming copyright to appease regulatory concernsPOP MART's first-half revenue increased by 19% YoY, with net profit surpassing last year's full-year figure. Overseas revenue grew by 139.8%. | Earnings Report一文读懂美股今年最大 IPO:Arm 已提交招股书 中国收入占 25%ANTA SPORTS-R's revenue and net profit both experienced significant growth in the first half of 2023, with gross profit margin reaching a historic high. | Earnings ReportRelying on the consumption downgrade of foreign nationals, MNSO achieved multiple performance records in the Q4 of the 2023 fiscal year | Earnings ReportXPENG-W left "misfortune" behind in the second quarter"Capable of taking over land finance"! The formal implementation of asset inclusion, the era of industrialization of data elements begins盈利能力爆发!快手二季度净利润 14.8 亿元,同比扭亏 | 财报见闻阿里巴巴在北京设立平头哥公司User community reaches a record high. KUAISHOU-W achieved adjusted profit of 2.736 billion yuan in the first half of the year, turning losses into gains compared to the same period last year.快手第二季度营收 277.4 亿元人民币,预估 272.9 亿元人民币MNSO may have made the right move in going overseas.叶军:钉钉完成智能化再造,已有 17 条产品线和 55 个场景接入大模型起底 “减肥神药”:一个 “副作用” 造就的传奇Is Vipshop quietly making big money?财报 2023|华润的白酒战争:一个地狱难度的开局"Dumping US Treasury Bonds to Protect Exchange Rates"? "Currency Defense Battle" Ignites the "Anchor of Pricing for Major Asset Classes"? JPMorgan Chase: Not Happening!SINO LAND's subsidiary, Capella III, received over 1,350 bookings and took advantage of the momentum to release an additional 108 units yesterday.《中国好声音》争议持续,港股星空华文盘中跌超 10%港股高开低走,恒科指涨 0.65%,金融、汽车走强,小鹏汽车涨逾 3%