AI is still hot! US stock leaders such as NVIDIA, Microsoft, Broadcom, etc. are all hitting new highs.中信建投陈果:拐点明朗,港股再上台阶Track Hyper | "Double British" Starts the Battle in the Chinese AGI Market美元落万物升!过去一周,“什么都在涨”!利润增速远超销量,比亚迪证明价格战并非唯一出路 | 见智研究Big Model "Android Moment": After Meta, China's top open source Big Model announces "free commercial use"Storage giants huddle together for warmth! Japan's Kamen Rider and Western Digital merge their storage businesses, reaching an agreement before August.为生成式 AI 呵护式 “立规矩” 的三点思考"New Fed Communications Agency": The trend of interest rate hikes in the United States in July has been determined, and the focus of debate is under what circumstances future rate hikes will occur.中报几家欢喜几家愁:晶科能源净利增三倍、比亚迪增两倍,锂矿、半导体公司两位数剧减"The 'Ultimate Apple Analyst': Some titanium mechanical components of the new Watch Ultra may be 3D printed."消费者信心向好,美股五连涨,银行财报季开门红仍转跌,中概回落Citigroup rises more than 1% in pre-market trading, with Q2 revenue reaching $19.4 billion | Financial Report InsightsUS Stock Earnings Season "First Shot": First Republic Bank Performs Well, JPMorgan Chase Q2 Results Exceed Expectations, YoY EPS Growth of 72% | Financial Report Insights由于经济放缓和裁员,花旗 Q2 净利下降超三成GLOBAL MARKETS-World stocks set for best week since November 2022Tesla’s Chinese website unveils Cyberquad toy car priced at RMB 11,990Big Move Watch | Microsoft's rating and target price have been significantly raised! CLOUD MUSIC is the top choice for gaming stocks, and TENCENT can still rise by 30%?印度车市大战在即?报道称比亚迪将投资 10 亿美元印度建厂美国经济开始放缓?高盛为何建议财报季紧盯这一板块阿里、腾讯、京东、百度!目标价为何全部遭下调?腾讯光子工作室群收购英国游戏开发商 Lucid Games机构:截至 5 月移动互联网月活用户 12.13 亿 头部小程序前三为微信、支付宝、百度Alibaba P9 Falls from Grace默默发力!特斯拉支持的团队正致力于单晶无钴锂离子电池研发Zhang Yong wants to create another "Alibaba"特斯拉 FSD 的 “ChatGPT 时刻” 来了吗?错过历史性反弹后,日本散户终于入场了加密货币总市值突破 1.3 万亿美元 24 小时增加 6.6%特斯拉开始在韩国销售上海工厂生产的 Model Y技术分析 | 美股驱动因子切换时,为何一定要调仓?央行邹澜:必要时还可再创设新的政策工具中国人民银行邹澜:过去在房地产市场长期过热阶段出台的政策存在边际优化空间央行:支持和鼓励商业银行与借款人自主协商变更合同约定,或是新发放贷款置换存量贷款央行:必要的时候对市场顺周期、单边行为进行纠偏,坚决防范汇率大起大落港股本周大涨 5% 的原因找到了!央行副行长刘国强:应对超预期挑战和变化仍有充足的政策空间微软高管:必应聊天没有分走流量,反而提升出版商的流量