YSB rose more than 11%, up more than 40% from the IPO price. Institutions predict that the company is expected to be included in the Hong Kong Stock Connect in early September.AI 企业的商业化空间:做企业端价值远不如消费端?顺丰控股正在考虑来港上市 传闻募资或达 30 亿美元花旗策略师将美国股市评级从增持下调至中性,将欧洲股市评级上调至增持财政部相关负责人就美财政部部长耶伦访华情况答媒体询问Wall Street is not optimistic about the earnings season. Can the bull market in US stocks continue?7 月回调不用怕:港股已出现短线反转信号!ChatGPT 上线 “代码解释器” 功能 可用自然语言下达指令Unity 首席执行官:生成式人工智能将使游戏开发速度提高 5-10 倍An "unignorable" bearish factor: US stock market earnings warnings approachNew Fed Communication Agency: US inflation becomes increasingly difficult to lower as time goes on.广发证券医药 23 年中期策略:港股医药股是估值洼地 未来有修复可能性港美股互联网估值劈叉来到历史极端位置!这意味着什么?韩媒:三星电子决定推迟发布 XR 头显 延长开发时间以同苹果竞争* 华泰证券下调阿里目标价至 154.7 美元 料首财季收入增 10.3%新加坡股市 7 日报:阿里巴巴 5 倍做空权证遭大规模抛售线上 “掐架” 继续?扎克伯格在 Threads 平台上模仿马斯克的回应方式远洋大股东派来了工作组阿里巴巴:蚂蚁拟按约 5671 亿元估值回购股份,阿里正考虑是否参与中信建投 “正面刚” 高盛财政部部长刘昆会见美国财政部部长耶伦Unbelievable "magic" officially unleashed! The most powerful application since GPT-4, the "Code Interpreter," is now online!耶伦结束访华召开发布会,重申美国不寻求与中国 “脱钩”复盘 | 美联储停止加息后,港美股如何演绎?中国人民银行党委书记、国家外汇局局长潘功胜会见美国财长耶伦AMD 苏姿丰:未来绝对会有人工智能主导的芯片设计师出现蚂蚁处罚落地,释放对平台经济看好预期!谷歌推出新款医疗聊天机器人Space X has monopolized global rocket launches, Tesla: competitors lack ambition.微软新出热乎论文:Transformer 扩展到 10 亿 tokenWang Chuanfu's Key Battle for Luxury Cars Dream国务院副总理何立峰会见美国财长珍妮特·耶伦大多头西格尔警告:下半年衰退风险仍很高,美股涨势可能戞然而止腾讯张立军:游戏已成为推动芯片、AI 等技术发展的强大驱动力小米继续推进降本增效:成立降本增效专项组 CFO 林世伟挂帅中国汽车工业协会:删除《承诺书》涉及价格表述,敦促车企严格遵守《反垄断法》"Sizeable non-farm" fluctuates! Is the US market "making false moves" or "finding an excuse to exit"?Be cautious of overly optimistic market sentiment! The bears "resigned" and fled, reducing the upward momentum of US stocks by one.