理想汽车:成为国内首家最快达成 40 万辆交付的新势力车企Missed out on the nearly 40% surge in US tech stocks in the first half of the year? Don't worry, there's still a second chance in the second half of the year!BMO:科技股和银行股或助力标普 500 今年再创新高Mainland bank stocks plummeted by 3%! Goldman Sachs significantly downgraded its rating, stating that "dividend risk is increasing".半导体的第五个历史大周期即将启动?高盛预计港铁公司上半年核心净利润同比下降 67% 重申买入评级中国将推出更多支持经济措施,下半年股市有望反败为胜 -- 瑞银财富管理OpenAI Co-founder: Autonomous driving and VR are just "diversions," AI agents are the future.港股新矿资源尾盘持续冲高瑞士宝盛:美国息口已见顶 恒指目标价 21000 点信诚证券联席董事张智威:恒指可能会回落至 18600 点 不宜太看好生科股前景特斯拉多头:Cybertruck 将推动明年整体销量飙升 50% 以上Setting Sail! The Overlooked "Lost Three Decades" Japanese Strategy工信部:加快大数据、人工智能、智能网联汽车等战略性新兴产业的创新发展假如腾讯牵手 Quest,最该担心的是字节 PICO 吗?Foreign capital frenzy, stock prices rise 30% this year, but profits plummet 95%. Can Samsung Electronics handle the "AI era"?XIAOMI-W, Huawei, and more than 70 investment institutions "buried": The mystery behind the withdrawal of Jichuang North's IPO revealed.BYD, the Longbridge Dolphin, is making its way into South America! With a whopping investment of 4.5 billion, BYD is setting up a factory in Brazil, marking its first manufacturing facility outside of Asia.Hang Seng Index fell 1.38% at midday, with property stocks weakening. The non-ferrous metals and automotive sectors remained active.Market sentiment is improving, and it's time to seize opportunities in the Hong Kong stock market!US Stock Market Key Five Charts | Investors Go on a Buying Spree, Semiconductor Stocks Reach New High Valuations, but AI Stocks Have StalledJapan's "AI Ambition": Chips Surpassing NVIDIA, Establishing "Universal Basic Income" to Address Unemployment新加坡股市 4 日报:比亚迪 5 倍做空权证遭大规模抛售比亚迪宣布在巴西设立大型生产基地综合体,总投资额达 30 亿雷亚尔美股新股市场回暖,上半年药企 IPO 成绩单出炉中国镓锗出口管制影响有多大?日花 200 万、对标地平线:黑芝麻智能冲刺自动驾驶第一股TM ADR US sets new goals for solid-state batteries: "halving" in size, weight, and cost!The latest research from the Federal Reserve: Interest rate cuts may not happen until 2026!王兴为王慧文兜底:美团正式卷入大模型之战美股散户资金量创新高:网红股卷土重来美媒传美方想限制中企使用 “美国云”,专家:打压正走向极端瑞银警告:美股涨势不会持久,高利率和经济衰退将扼杀反弹下半年涨势玄了?花旗:美股衍生品仓位显示出回调风险Meta 应用程序 Threads 在美国和英国预定上线,但部分欧洲国家应用商店尚未显示Counting the CEOs with billions of dollars in income: Blackstone's boss ranks first with over $250 millionUS stocks closed for the day, real estate stocks supported European stocks rebounded, Saudi Arabia and Russia exerted efforts, and crude oil rose more than 2%.ChatGPT 访问量首次下滑,专家提醒警惕泡沫化风险突发!中信集团,严正声明!BYD sold like hotcakes in Thailand, Chery, Changan, SAIC Motor, and Hezhong all want a piece of the action!丰田称在固态电池技术上取得重大突破:10 分钟充满能跑 1200 公里Goldman Sachs: Tesla's deliveries expected to reach 1.9 million this year.Living in Algorithms? Meta's Heavyweight Release: Algorithms Precisely Grasp You