瓦格纳创始人被诉武装叛乱,俄国民警卫队中央区军官进入紧急状态特斯拉 FSD 暗藏彩蛋 “埃隆模式” 开启 L3 自动驾驶 时速限制下可脱手脱脚消息称 IBM 接近以 50 亿美元收购软件提供商 Apptio特斯拉 AI 账号悄然上线:Dojo 超级计算机下月开始生产英伟达 CEO 黄仁勋称,“非常有可能” 向欧洲投资。投资者会议无亮点,C3.ai 暴跌,德银重申 “卖出” 评级YouTube is testing an online-games offering - WSJGoldman Sachs warns: Ban on buybacks is coming, but everyone is going long.Wall Street's major banks continue to lay off employees! Goldman Sachs alone has cut 125 managing directors.媒体:马斯克的 SpaceX 将出售内部股票,公司估值料增至 1500 亿美元消息称苹果和多家银行磋商,计划在印度推出 Apple Card 信用卡业务FDIC Accidentally "Mistakenly" Discloses List of Giants Rescued in Silicon Valley Bank CrisisUS Treasury Secretary Yellen: US recession risk is decreasing, consumer spending is expected to slow down, and there will be more bank mergers.NIO-SW has teamed up with a major Middle Eastern investor加息风暴激化经济担忧,美股低开,纳指跌超 1%,势将终结八周连涨美股盘前 | 热门中概股全线走低,大佬预计特斯拉 2025 年达 500 美元,花旗预计国内千款网游可获批大行速睇 | 腾讯大模型很关键,股价还能涨 30%?特斯拉评级遭下调,目标价却获大幅上调!张勇卸任,蔡崇信归来:阿里的深层危机是没人可接班英特尔,比台积电还疯狂OpenAI CEO: Artificial intelligence is the most important technological step in human historyAmazon Cloud invests $100 million to launch a generative AI innovation center, competing against Microsoft and Alphabet-C.美股开盘一小时集体转涨,特斯拉和英伟达再跌,美元近六周最低Who is the top streamer? Nvidia is more popular than Tesla! ESG funds are also bullish.美股盘前 | 特斯拉创建 Tesla AI 的推特账户,英特尔拟独立运作芯片代工业务不到三个月,Adobe 摇身一变:从 “AI 大输家” 成了 “AI 大赢家”,AI 时代 “谁是赢家” 有答案了?逍遥子追云,“罗汉们” 出山阿里 “崇信”,不再 “逍遥”大模型之争,腾讯假装不急Hedge funds bailed out early! Sold US stocks for 9 out of the past 10 trading days.Two giants' battle spreads! Alphabet-C accuses Microsoft Azure cloud department of anti-competitive behavior.Head of Stock Strategy at Rich Nation Bank: Only the Federal Reserve can suppress US stocks now.趁他病要他命:扎克伯格 “捅刀” 推特,正开发类微博应用Tesla's Supercharging Network is worth what? Morgan Stanley: $100 billion!Electrification "laggard" TM ADR US makes a comeback! Analysts are bullish on all-solid-state batteries and have raised their target prices one after another."I chat with ChatGPT every day," Masayoshi Son: A huge revolution is coming, SoftBank will eventually rule the world!阿里张勇对话诺奖得主:AI 能否创造更多工作岗位?又一个挑战马斯克的人出现了大行速睇 | 阿里换帅是利好!股价还能涨 60%?亚马逊目标价获大幅上调大涨过后是大跌?!华尔街高呼:美股可能已阶段性见顶!高盛:投资者应考虑利用标普 500 指数的涨势对冲衰退风险港股下半年,可能有跌出来的机会!Raymond James:牛市需谨慎 可 “强烈买入” 这两只美股