爆点来了:用 LLM 成功设计芯片Wall Street Goes Crazy Bullish! Analyst: Nvidia Could Become the Most Valuable Company in the World in a Few Years郭明錤:预期 2024 年用于 AI 伺服器的光模块自 2H23 开始显著成长,并预计在 2024 年出货量同比增长超过 100%摩根士丹利:港交所推双柜台支持人民币国际化 短期日均成交受惠有限大摩发布研究报告称,快手-W618 电商商品成交额 (GMV) 超预期,预计快手下半年进一步加速增长华尔街简评阿里换帅:蔡崇信上任=马云回归?!股价却无法受提振!NIO says Abu Dhabi investment took just 3 weeks from talk to deal阿里巴巴集团战略规划总裁陈龙:现阶段的 AI,还处于工具和内容阶段超 10 万名 ChatGPT 用户信息被泄露张勇掌舵这 4 年,阿里到底怎么样?SensorTower:5 月腾讯《王者荣耀》吸金 2.37 亿美元 蝉联全球手游畅销榜冠军蚂蚁集团正研发大模型 定名贞仪"Shadow" Ma Yun takes over Alibaba again.新加坡股市 20 日报:胜科工业遭遇疯狂抛售,成交量狂飙马斯克:特斯拉将 “尽可能快地” 进入印度SoftBank to shift its stance to 'offence mode', says CEO Son* 美银证券:阿里高管变动为重组计划一部份 潜在分拆阿里云又迈进一步东南亚外卖网约车巨头 Grab 宣布裁员 1000 人蔚来开盘涨近 3% 获阿布扎比主权基金入股 7%《新股消息》市传巨星传奇下周重启招股 目标 7 月上市美股科技股步入长牛?还是将重演互联网泡沫一幕?Netizens discovered that Tesla FSD has hidden the "Tesla mode", which can activate "fully autonomous driving" with one click?One-month surge of nearly 50%, can Tesla's strong rebound continue?Middle Eastern Tycoons Eyeing "Financial Elite": After the failed acquisition of STANCHART, will the UAE acquire Lazard this time?"Morgan Stanley upgrades BIDU-SW rating, calling it 'China's most beneficial AI stock' with potential to rise another 31%"早餐 | 美联储主席听证激发避险情绪,中概股重挫京东拼多多跌近 7%马斯克:特斯拉将尽快进入印度市场,计划明年访问印度Biden reiterates the need to ensure safety before releasing AI products, citing the need to address national security and economic risks associated with AI."The Barometer of the US Economy" FedEx's Revenue Has Fallen for Three Consecutive Quarters, Guidance Lower Than Expected, After-Hours Trading Down Nearly 6% | Earnings Report Observations继福特、通用之后再下一城!Rivian 宣布加入特斯拉超级充电站网络美股一度齐跌约 1%,特斯拉涨超 5%,美油最深跌 3% 并失守 70 美元The short sellers in the US stock market suffered heavy losses, with a whopping $120 billion gone up in smoke. Those who shorted Nvidia lost all their capital.New cryptocurrency exchange EDX goes live, backed by a group of heavyweights, with the potential to reshape the entire industry.AI has its own AppStore! OpenAI is reportedly considering launching an AI application store.In the past three days, there has been a second round of reduction! China Pacific Insurance and its asset management subsidiary reduced their holdings of 70 million ICBC H shares, cashing out a total of 600 million yuan.大行速睇 | 如何评价腾讯大模型?股价还能涨 40%?百度、B 站、比亚迪目标价获大幅上调!外资回归,越南股市又行了?热点聚焦:特斯拉完全自动驾驶(FSD)系统三问三答英伟达、AMD、台积电!AI 芯片战场三个关键华裔张勇内部信:整个阿里巴巴正以全新姿态奔向未来阿里 “变天”:马云进,张勇退,上演变革三板斧英伟达 A800 显卡从 7 万飙到 10 万,需求倒爷满天飞阿里大变革:张勇专职阿里云,蔡崇信、吴泳铭接任集团董事长和 CEOAlibaba's transformation is progressing smoothly. Zhang Yong is now dedicated to Alibaba Cloud, while Cai Chongxin and Wu Yongming have taken over as the group's chairman and CEO, respectively.