周大福将放缓门店扩张以提振利润国有大行定存利率再次集体下调 六大行定存利率进入 “2” 时代加拿大创企 Cohere 融资 2.7 亿美元,甲骨文英伟达参投Carvana 股价暴涨 56%,空头一夜损失 4 亿美元,今年累计损失超 10 亿新加坡成立 AI Verify 基金会,以通过合作制定国际人工智能标准就业市场传降温信号,美债跃升,科技股反弹,特斯拉十日连涨,原油盘中闪崩行踪难觅,美国证券交易委员会寻求其他方式向币安赵长鹏送达文件New York has the worst air quality in the world, and Tesla's cutting-edge air filtration system shinesSEC Chairman: Haven't seen such non-compliance in the currency circle in 40 years! Coinbase: Bring it on!BYD's Wang Chuanfu: The automotive industry has entered the elimination round, and the industry's window of opportunity is only 3-5 years.Fire the CEO, cancel the conference call! Former "retail investors group stock" GME collapsed.Oriental Selection becomes popular in the past year.Lucid 进军中国市场,还会建厂?腾讯、网易们更多新游开测,看好行业 EPS 攀升Apple and Android's new battlefield? Report: Samsung, Alphabet-C, and Qualcomm are developing MR devices that will be launched as early as this year.Volvo really wants a hit product.科技股 “七巨头” 飙升!市值达标普 500 的 27.4%存款降息后关注 LPR,加拿大央行将再加息,Druckenmiller 称会持有英伟达两三年或更久——宏观脱水 0608Strengthening support for car purchase incentives! Ministry of Commerce organizes car consumption promotion activities.Domestic Top 5 AI Startups, Who is China's Open AI?Hang Seng Index closed higher today, led by the petrochemical sector, while the real estate sector also saw gains. Trip.com rose over 5%.美股盘前 | 苹果大降 Vision Pro 销售目标,TikTok 寻求扩大全球电商业务,携程一季报远超预期Recovered Lin Zhiying stands for XPENG-W大行速睇 | 苹果 2025 年市值 4 万亿美元?!华尔街力推英伟达、腾讯、网易恒生银行人民币柜台供股份交易 6 月 19 日起生效亚马逊应该做 “减法”?分析师:这可能推高股价至 200 美元!6 月 5 天大涨 8%!美股小盘股开始逆袭科技股?!苹果之后,三星新品发布会也将召开,这个产品依旧是核心港股双柜台模式即将启航,能带来多少增量资金?美股期权 | Meta 看跌期权成交激增,福特、Palantir、Affirm 期权成交放大两三倍Japanese stocks draw foreign inflows for ninth week in a rowOpenAI CEO:别过度关注当前大模型能力涉嫌 “种草” 加密资产,IG、YouTube、TikTok 和推特或遭欧盟监管行动“AI 淘金热中的领头羊”!英伟达为何还能再涨 30%?Meta Platforms Introduces WhatsApp Channels, A One-Way Broadcast Tool For Admins To Send Text, Photos, Videos, Stickers, & Polls报道称苹果大幅削减 MR 头显 Vision Pro 销售目标至 15 万台普华永道:下调香港今年 IPO 募资预测至 1500-1700 亿港元凯基亚洲:双柜台模式有助于交易 但不会显著改善港股成交量大华银行:超过 6 成香港企业对 2023 年展望乐观亚马逊将推广告版 Prime Video,强化增长最快的业务三星电子、谷歌、高通正开发新的 MR 设备 最早今年推出Sweden's Autoliv to cut 6,000 jobsNikola 暂停股东大会以争取更多股东支持增发股票估值具吸引力!机构:看好中芯国际、华虹半导体一周连投三家!“不急于把半成品拿出来” 的腾讯,马不停蹄布局 AI每个人都在谈 AI,这是华尔街最顶尖大佬们的看法凯基亚洲:恒指年末目标 22,100 点 料中国经济全年增长逾 5.5%暴风雨前的平静?华尔街老兵:市场对新 “恐慌指数” 有误解