中信证券:本轮库存周期何时见底?内地下架 App 后即在港开营业部?富途回应:不属实Zoom's first-quarter performance is improving, but the pressure from Microsoft remains unabated.规模性能双杀 OpenAI,Meta 语音达 LLaMA 级里程碑!开源 MMS 模型可识别 1100+ 语言Rare! Apple's stock rating has been downgraded, what is the reason?Pre-market trading in US stocks | TSMC receives a large number of AI chip orders, Disney initiates the third round of layoffs, and activist investor TCS invests in Yelp.TSMC executive says talks on possible plant in Germany continue京东云宣布其全系核心产品开启全网比价Big Moves to Watch | Alibaba, KUAISHOU-W Could Rise at Least 60%? NIO-SW Target Price Significantly Lowered!香港虚拟资产交易平台营运者指引将于 6 月 1 日生效,容许向散户提供服务宝马,更加离不开中国了香港证监会:尚未批准任何虚拟资产交易平台向零售投资者提供服务-71%!需求低迷,全球集装箱产量急剧下降Six major business spin-offs and listings, why is this Alibaba's last chance?美债一旦违约会怎样?华尔街已经在准备应急预案了NVIDIA's first-quarter performance won't look good, the key is the second-quarter guidance!港股整体协调人新规后首现 “退任”:脱发治疗商科笛集团缘何分手高盛香港在线证券经纪公司华赢证券 IPO 定价 4-6 美元/股 拟筹资 1500 万美元Zhang Yidong: Short-term negative factors in Hong Kong stocks have been exhausted! "Bottom tug-of-war" may usher in a turning point for stage rebound.香港证监会:从 6 月 1 日起实施虚拟资产交易美债大限将至,美股为啥依然淡定?Financial Report Preview | XIAOMI-W's Q1 revenue is expected to drop by 20%, dragged down by its mobile phone business, focus on progress in car manufacturing.US Stock Options | NIO-SW and Micron Tech options trading volume doubled, while Pfizer and Upstart options trading volume surged fourfold.Meta 发表新 AI 模型 推进语言科技应用腾讯掌纹识别模型专利获授权 可提高识别准确性比亚迪再传欧洲建厂,最终方案或在年内确定美国银行业压力究竟有多广泛?“双柜台模式” 对港股意味着什么?国君:以日特估为鉴,港股 “中特估” 行情或仍有持续性40 年来最长警报!美国经典衰退指标已经闪烁了 222 天After obtaining the edition number for five consecutive months, TENCENT and CLOUD MUSIC still have room for upward valuation!OpenAI 正探索 AI 集体决策 或类似维基百科条目模式Judge throws out shareholder lawsuit against Elon Musk over Twitter buyout美国债务上限之争会如何结束?这是高盛拍的路径图OpenAI 创始人呼吁设立监管超级智能的国际机构迪士尼:不打算在美建造小型乐园Preview | Countdown to RMB Directly Buying Hong Kong Stocks! Why is it worth paying attention to?“华尔街之王” 杰米戴蒙:没有考虑退休,我还能再干 “三年半”印度将成为苹果的下一个中国市场?伯恩斯坦持怀疑态度苹果公司加大对生成式人工智能专家招聘力度恒指高开,恒生科技指数开涨 0.54%,蔚来、快手涨逾 6%英特尔计划于 2025 年推出自研 AI 芯片 Falcon Shores新加坡股市 22 日报:美团 5 倍做空权证遭大量抛售* 大和:美团-W 在港外卖平台 KeeTa 比 Deliveroo 及 Foodpanda 更具价格竞争力