鲍威尔认为美国经济可以避免衰退 他的胜算大吗?AI 成为了米哈游们的 “必选项”Microsoft strengthens AI empowerment, with unlimited potential for future performance.Valuation returns to historical lows! How to bet on the Hang Seng TECH Index?Pre-market trading of US stocks | Buffett continues to reduce holdings of BYD H shares, working group from the Ministry of Cyberspace enters Douyu platform.Big moves | Apple's target price gets raised! Why is Wall Street optimistic about TENCENT, MEITUAN-W, and KUAISHOU-W?Preview of Financial Report | LI AUTO-W's Gross Margin Expected to Remain Above 20%, Optimistic about L7's Continued Growth.美股五张图 | Wall Street bullish on tech stocks, the biggest driver of the bull market is back!Financial Report Preview | JD.com faces short-term performance pressure, but profits are expected to remain stable.US Stock Options | Apple and Lyft options trading volume tripled, Amazon, Meta Platforms, and Nvidia call options trading active.预期市场崩盘?神秘交易员 500 万美元押注恐慌指数飙至 70 以上Review | Behind the Super-Expected Performance, Where Will FAMG's AI Long March Go?Alibaba's "Overseas Battle": Pressure, Confusion, Can't Afford to Lose路虎消失于江湖Car, Internet, and Zhongtegu! May Hong Kong stocks, four major themes!港股 ChatGPT 概念股开盘延续涨势 知乎涨超 11%美国财长耶伦警告:6 月 1 日现金耗尽,如不提高债务上限将引发 “金融和经济崩溃”美联储是否会停止加息?市场紧盯本周通胀数据Longbridge Breakfast | Market bets on Fed rate cut in July, Amazon smart speakers to add "ChatGPT-like" feature悔卖且欲增持!巴菲特夸苹果是伯克希尔持有的最佳企业美财长耶伦:国会必须提高债务上限 动用第 14 修正案将引发宪法危机新股公告 | 怡俊集团控股公开发售获认购 17.27 倍 每股定价 1.28 港元美联储 6 月加息 25 个基点的概率升至 10.7%全球央行囤黄金 中国连续 6 个月增持周鸿祎谈大模型扎堆:现在说超越 ChatGPT 的叫吹牛像人类一样 “会聊天”!亚马逊的智能音箱将加入 “类 ChatGPT” 功能巴菲特的新能源帝国克而瑞深度分析:中国人均 “00 后” 商品住宅面积仅 23 平米,整体较 “住好房” 目标仍有较大距离CARIAD:大众汽车的阿克琉斯之踵与重塑的未来AI 一周见闻:微软放大招 Bing 再升级,讯飞发布大模型,谷歌泄密文件大模型本身并不是护城河 | 见智研究2023 年巴菲特股东大会精华版来了!500 字浓缩五个半小时问答要点巴菲特谈投资动向:继续寻找日本机会、力挺苹果;芒格警告投资过度多元化巴菲特:伯克希尔不寻求西方石油的控股权,未来机会合适也可能再买芒格再评马斯克:他喜欢啃硬骨头,我和巴菲特喜欢简单的关于大火的人工智能,巴菲特和芒格都说了什么?颠覆式变革来了?!谷歌将改变搜索引擎展示方式,加入 AI 对话与短视频印度,真能成为苹果的 “下一个中国市场”?LVMH 和爱马仕涨成了 “奢侈茅”,雅诗兰黛为何大跌?阿里 CTO 线退出历史舞台!原 CTO 转任子公司 CEO蒋凡带队,阿里出海 IPO 要来?2023 巴菲特股东大会今晚开聊:近 60 个问答五大看点抢先看就业超预期稳健、苹果给力,美股终结四连跌,纳指 5 月首周开门红,地区银行探底大反弹百年瑞信业务存亡决定时刻:瑞银百人 “清理团队” 开始评估业务去留除了 AI,谷歌 I/O 开发者大会还有哪些看点?非农远超预期,美股三大指数涨超 1%,银行股大涨,油价涨 4%,黄金跌超 44 美元Foreign capital and southbound funds are coming! Will Hong Kong stocks take off in May?Why can Apple withstand economic downturns?