苹果 AI 将引入云端黑盒机制 只为隐私数据安全NVIDIA's "Leveraged ETF" is going crazy!Google's Gemini quietly strengthens, rapidly narrowing the gap with GPT-4o, and even surpassing in Chinese!百度发布 AI 原生应用 “橙篇”,文库 AI 用户数超 1.4 亿INSIGHT-How China's EV makers aim to beat Tesla, legacy automakers in Europe京东采销扛起 618 大旗亚马逊 AWS 组织架构调整:大中华区汇报关系下降,转向全球销售副总裁汇报FFIE Stock Mania! The Company Has Something to Say...英伟达携手纳指狂飙背后:全球新 “股王” 呼之欲出?快讯:港股三大指数冲高回落 黄金股、内房股跌幅靠前Faraday Future Intelligent Electric, Inc. (FFIE) Q4 2023 Earnings Call TranscriptFOPLP 有望成为接班 CoWoS?On the eve of the financial report, Dell surged against the market to hit a new high, with "AI new favorite" highly anticipatedHP discusses AI PC: accounting for 10% of total shipments in the second half of the yearHP's performance slightly better than expected, raised full-year EPS guidance, stock price rose 6.7% after hours | Financial Report Insights筹资规模或超百亿美元! 沙特阿美二次股票发行最早周日启动利好消费者:美国两州禁止苹果 “零件配对” 做法首例中国消费者诉苹果反垄断案一审宣判:驳回诉请 苹果未滥用市场支配地位自媒体污蔑小米公开道歉:王化点赞法务团队 希望今年有更多成果As the S&P 500 hits a new high for the 24th time this year, the FOMO sentiment seems to be "absent"! Is the best time for the current stock market rally coming to an end?小鹏汽车:AI 代驾支持 10 条路线,XNGP 三季度全国通行苹果 Beats Solo Buds 真无线耳机将于 6 月 20 日上市,售价 699 元英伟达股价周二大涨 或与马斯克 xAI 超级计算机计划有关小米将推万兆 NAS?官方回应:没有规划边框缩减 31% 苹果 iPhone 16 系列屏幕开始量产苹果旗下存在感最低的产品年末或迎来更新苹果降价收获颇丰 4 月份国内出货量暴增 52%The US stock market has fallen again, what happened? Keep a close eye on these two pieces of data today and tomorrow资金紧张、销量惨淡,股价暴跌,法拉第未来还能走多远?NVIDIA sparks leveraged ETF frenzy, double long fund soars 450% in a yearBreakfast | NVIDIA hits a record high for 4 consecutive days, media reports suggest Musk may become a consultant to TrumpRevenue falls short of expectations for the first time in 18 years, with poor guidance, cloud computing service giant Salesforce plunges 17% after hours | Financial Report Insights5 月 29 日美股成交额前 20:英伟达再创新高,连续四日累涨 21%周三热门中概股多数下跌 新东方涨 3.8%,台积电跌 3.2%,阿里跌 1.9%尾盘:道指下跌 400 点 英伟达再创新高Mining "Century Deal" falls through! BHP Group abandons $50 billion acquisition of Anglo American ResourcesMedia: Apple's cloud data processing also protects privacy, with virtual black boxes, confidential computing, and self-developed high-end chips all in playAs long as it's an ETF, even Bitcoin, it's BlackRock's world!Profit warning, executive departures, American Airlines plunges 16%, marking the largest drop during the pandemic英伟达 H20“退烧” 国产 GPU 向前早盘:美股继续走低 道指跌逾 300 点港股复盘:比亚迪大反弹反弹 2 倍,心动公司又心动了?开盘:美股周三低开 美债收益率令股指承压比亚迪向前走了一大步Report: Fosun Pharma considers privatizing its Hong Kong-listed subsidiary Henlius太突然!英伟达看涨期权一度暴涨 2045%!英伟达带来新概念,电磁屏蔽受追捧,相关 A 股股价稳步上涨丰田用 “花招”!搞脱碳发动机,曲线加电,还拉俩盟友入伙The new hope of Tencent Games