Track Hyper | The Ambitious Vision of Company NineBe cautious of the "earnings kill" in the US stock market! Morgan Stanley warns: the market is overly optimistic美股期权 | 苹果 call 成交大涨!AMD、Meta 成交翻倍,特斯拉回落又一巨头入场!德国最大州立银行 LBBW 将提供加密托管服务Top 10 HK Stock Losers (4.15)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (4.15)Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.15)全球降息节奏不一,投资者疯狂 “涌入” 美元,美元指数今年以来上涨 4.6%嘉实、博时、华夏基金香港子公司虚拟资产 ETF 获香港证监会原则性批准Bosera Fund (International) and HashKey Capital jointly applied for approval for Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs and were approvedGlobal iPhone shipments fell by 10% in the first quarter, with Samsung taking the lead博时伙 HashKey Capital 发虚币现货 ETF 获批Tech Stock Weekly Recap: Xiaomi surged by 6%, while Baidu plummeted by 7%! Google and Amazon hit new highs midweekChina's Q1 GDP growth likely to slow, more stimulus on the cards刷爆多模态任务榜单!贾佳亚团队 Mini-Gemini 登热榜,代码、模型、数据全部开源CEO of the world's largest asset management company: AI will significantly increase productivity and employee wages茶百道启动公开招股募资约 24.56 亿港元 拟 4 月 23 日在港交所主板上市关于英伟达最新一代的精髓:NVLink、NVL72Morgan Stanley short interest Wilson: US bond yields rise above key levels, US stocks in danger!Hong Kong Stock Market Movement | Most semiconductor stocks are rising, global monthly semiconductor sales continue to grow year-on-year, AI may drive the semiconductor cycle upwardsHK Stock Market News | FIT Hon Teng Group retraced more than 9%, after a cumulative increase of over 75% in the previous five trading days. iPhone global shipments in January-March decreased by 9.6%Outlook for US Stocks this Week: How will the earnings season be affected by the blocked rate cut expectations in the market?"Wall Street Oracle" remains bullish on US stocks: S&P 500 index expected to reach 5700 points this year* 摩通:中国互联网行业资本市场状况和财务前景改善预示股价上涨 6-12 个月基准首选次序为腾讯、拼多多、腾讯音乐、携程、网易及美团-W一图解码天津建发招股:值得打新吗?The boundaries of industries listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange are clearer, with no hope for medical aesthetics and gaming?Earnings Preview | Underperforming the market, senior employees leaving frequently, Goldman Sachs faces severe challengesNio to launch 2024 ET7 sedan on Apr 25, 1st day of Beijing auto showHong Kong Stock Market Movement | Apple concept stocks collectively decline, Sunny Optical's intraday drop exceeds 4%, global iPhone shipments in the first quarter decrease by 9.6%* 花旗:金属资源股升势很可能持续至下半年 首选中国宏桥、中铝、洛钼及紫金Hong Kong Stock Market Movement | Keji Pharmaceutical-B plunges more than 16%, with a 23-year loss of 748 million yuan, narrowing by 16.19% year-on-yearOpenAI 向大企业推介 ChatGPT 企业版,开抢金主微软的生意淘宝苹果 Vision Pro 版上线:“身临其境” 查看商品Apple loses top phonemaker spot to Samsung as iPhone shipments drop, IDC saysApple's Q1 shipment volume dropped by nearly 10%! Strong competition from Android competitors risingChina keeps policy rate unchanged, drains cash from banking systemDangerous signal! Bank of America warns: Intel's low market share in chip foundry may reduce company value, lowers target price to $44美债买盘势力倾向观望,“全球资产定价之锚” 酝酿狂舞之势?Breakfast | Iran's large-scale attack on Israel stimulates risk aversion, Citigroup expects Xiaomi's car-making venture to lose 4.1 billion yuanEdward Yau: To establish "Digital Policy Office" in mid-year to accelerate digital transformation花旗:料小米每卖一辆车亏 6800,今年交付 7 万台Vanke: There is no management seeking private interests, legal measures have been taken for economic disputes with related partnersHistorically squeezed multiple times, will silver be the next cocoa?