Tesla started the year with a 30% drop and was removed from the "Magnificent Seven," but this ETF is being snapped up by bargain hunters!苹果 Vision Pro 或最晚于 5 月在中国区发售淘宝春节派发 10 亿红包,主打一个 “海陆空” 全覆盖$800 million in revenue, 20% growth, yet to turn a profit: "American Baidu" Reddit discloses financial report before IPOUS Stock Market at the Beginning of the Year: Unprecedented Level of Divergence Since the 1987 Stock Market Crash!Ho Kwai Kong's comment on "Messi sitting on the bench during his visit to Hong Kong": I believe Hong Kong fans did not feel respected.年化超 4%!春节最强理财攻略请收好Hong Kong Stock Market Update: Tech stocks continue to rise, with the Hang Seng TECH Index surging nearly 4%. Multiple stocks have seen gains of over 5%.Berkshire Hathaway Bought 4.3 Mln Occidental Petroleum Common Stock - SEC FilingCan the 'Seven Giants' continue to play and dance this year? Goldman Sachs: It depends on their performance.星巴克就差开到村里了AI demand drives profits "explode", big data company Palantir Tech's stock price soars 20%* 花旗降拼多多目标价至 170 美元 料季绩稳固Hong Kong Stock Market Update | Alibaba's stock rises nearly 4% in early trading, set to release Q3 FY2024 earnings report.* 花旗削美团-W 目标价至 113 元 下调收入及盈测Novo Nordisk AS, a leading pharmaceutical company, has announced a $11 billion acquisition to expand its production of "miracle weight-loss drugs". The new facility is expected to gradually commence operations by 2026.上海:鼓励在智能网联汽车示范应用过程中探索商业模式快讯:港股恒指高开 0.2% 科指跌 0.38% 科网股齐涨阿里巴巴高开超 3%理解市场 | Meta、谷歌们!巨头财报告诉了投资者什么?理想汽车发 4 至 8 个月年终奖,李想称要做到赏罚分明Strong North American infrastructure, record-breaking annual revenue, "Excavator King" Caterpillar's stock price hits a new highWhy should we be cautious about the US stock market? After the surge of tech giants, there is almost no room for error!Breakfast | US stocks and bonds both hit Tesla, with the stock plummeting during trading, while Wall Street giants are bullish on NVIDIA, pushing it to $800.Microsoft is set to update its Xbox business next week and may introduce exclusive resources to rival gaming consoles.Powell's speech and data meet expectations for interest rate cuts, US stocks and bonds plummet, NVIDIA hits new highs again, Tesla falls nearly 7% at one point.CEO of Occidental Petroleum, a major holding of Warren Buffett: Crude oil supply will be "extremely scarce" in a few yearsMeta 重返万亿市值俱乐部!谁会成为下一个成员?"Banks: A Tale of Two Extremes" - Three Times Better-than-Expected Performance on One Hand, Continued Layoffs on the OtherWang Xing launched a major counterattack美股,市场存 2 大误判Review of the Battle of Forcing Shorts, Retail Investors Triggered a Billion-dollar Hedge Fund ExplosionHot Discussion on WSB | Eli Lilly breaks through the roof again, the weight loss miracle drug cannot be stopped"Soft landing" secured? Goldman Sachs raises US GDP forecast for 2024 to 2.4%英伟达获 5 亿美元天价大单!印数据中心一口气买下 16000 块 H100/GH200Morgan Stanley: The market's "red sea panic" has been excessive, and freight rates have been overadjusted.Pre-market in US stocks | JD, BABA-SWR rise, PDD, Tesla fall! Will NVIDIA hit another new high tonight?Rating Quick Look | NVIDIA, Meta Platforms, Amazon, Apple! Target prices have all been significantly raised!招商银行原党委书记、行长田惠宇一审被判处死缓香港证监会:投资者应在 3 月 1 日前查核虚拟资产交易平台监管状态US Stock Options | Crazy! Tesla, Meta Platforms, NVIDIA, Apple all traded surged to over 2 million contracts!中金:维持腾讯控股 “跑赢行业” 评级 目标价 475 港元外媒爆料:马斯克与特斯拉董事吸毒,部分人因 “不想失去社交资本”